Wie viel Toleranz haben Pressluftflaschen eigentlich? Kann man da statt 200 bar vielleicht auch mal für einen unmittelbar bevorstehenden Tauchgang 300 oder?

400 bar reinpumpen, ohne dass es die Flasche gleich zerreißt?

Autoreifen halten ja auch viel mehr Druck aus und da soll man ja auch mehr reinpumpen v.a. wenn das Auto lange steht.

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5 months ago

No filling station will fill your bottle far over 200 bar (if it should be 205, then be it – gifted) – and it should not. If compressed air dipping devices are subjected to a TÜV test, they are tested for durability at 300 bar in this frame, but for safety reasons they are located in a water basin in order to dampen the explosion effect in the case of the case. 400 bar already borders a premier for the Darwin Awards.

Only exception: You buy a PTG made of aluminum (not cheap). These bottles are filled with 300 bar by default.

However, it would be more important for the planning of a dive to refine the breathing technique and move in the range of around 20 liters per minute. This is enough for two beautiful dives in depths between 10 and 30 meters.