Wie viel Theoriestunden beim A1 Führerschein?

Bin gerade dabei den A1 Führerschein zu machen. Ich finde überall andere Infos dazu wie viel Theoriestunden man braucht. Sind es jetzt 12 oder 16?

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2 years ago

If you did not have a driver’s license before, you have to make 12 double hours of basic material and 4 double hours of additive in class A1. So a total of 16 double hours.

Legal basis: §4 FahrschAusbO

(3) The extent of the general part (basic) is at least 12 double hours (90 minutes); lessons are also allowed in individual hours (45 minutes). If the driving student already has a driving licence, the circumference shall be at least six double hours.

(4) The minimum duration of the class-specific part (additional substance) depends on Appendix 2.8. Teaching is also permitted in individual hours.