Wie viel TB interne Festplatte für Gaming?
Mich würde mal interessieren, was ihr da als ausreichend empfindet? Hab mir 2021 eine interne SSD Festplatte mit 2 TB bestellt und den Speicherplatz inzwischen komplett aufgebraucht. Hab mir nun wieder eine bestellt, aber ich frage mich, ob 4TB nicht sinnvoller gewesen wären, da ich eigentlich fast immer einiges an Spielen kaufe, leidenschaftlich gern zocke und meine Games immer abrufbereit haben will(ist natürlich aber auch ne Stange Geld, so ne 4TB Festplatte). Was meint ihr?
I have a 1 TB SSD and an external 2 TB HDD, the terabyte is close to me, a few games I have on the exfes. So would rather drive with 2 TB
Which games to what extent you have installed.
2TB is really enough, there is something else that takes place with you.
I have 230 games on Steam, most of which are installed (somehow not such a fan to uninstall games all the time so I can do something else). There are also some with more than 50GB (which I still have to hold). Now I have also added a series of games, where you can get a total of about 150 GB. Oh, yes… so fast the memory goes away ^^^.
Oha, I haven’t experienced that yet in this extreme way….😒
I know =). Thanks for your input.
Yes, yes, was not meant as a accusation 😁
That’s good. Everyone should be allowed to decide what makes him happy in life =).
Not bad, but there is an extremely “sensical” life that I would like to make use of, for example, in my eyes differently or more seriously.
I’m not a gamer who wants time to sit on the PC. I’m working with it.
You think that’s bad? What should I say…It’s my favorite hobby =).
I have a 2TB SSD in my PC and a 1TB SSD in the SteamDeck. That’s enough.
Helped me, thank you.
I’ve had a TB record for a long time. But with the second, it became too close. Now there’s a 2 TB plate in it and it’s loose enough. I usually have 2 games that I play in parallel. Then there are two evergreens left on the record. A lot of “data waste” is in the cloud. So I’m good with 2 TB.
I’ve got 2x 1TB SSD’s, I thought it was easy. In the meantime, I have to uninstall games so that new ones go.
But finally, I’d have to finish playing a few to get back up.
If you don’t always get too small a plate at some point.
In my PC I have a 512 GB NVMe M.2 for the operating system and the most important programs.
Games are on the 2 TB SATA SSD and I have a 4 TB SATA HDD for all data. I’ll get it.
Storage is not very cheap, but if you like to shock much, then get a 2 TB SSD as identical as possible, so that you have a total of 3 and get a RAID5 out. Then you have 4 TB net memory and a total safety.
I have a 2 TB for system and programs
and a 4 TB for Games and Media…
Images and music I have on my NAS, that has another 32 TB…
Would you recommend another 2TB hard drive or a 4 TB? I’m all about gaming. How do you get clear with the storage space? I have 230 games on Steam and there are more and more of which I regularly zocke.
So ARK alone already eats about 400 GB… then 4 games in this order and full is the record…
I also stream to Twitch and so some stream goes there for at least 4 hours – in high quality go back to about 10 GB per file on it…
So if I had 2x 8 TB in my computer, I wouldn’t have to push so much over the network…
I have about 130 games on Steam, which are far from all installed…