Wie viel Spiegel brauche ich für mein Moped?

Hallo ich habe eine Beta rr50 und wollte fragen ob ein Spiegel an der linken Seite reicht? Er hat ja eine bauartbedingte Höchstgeschwindigkeit unter 45kmh? Und sind Spiegel unter dem Lenker legal?


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7 months ago

whether a mirror on the left is enough? He has a design-related maximum speed below 45kmh?

Yes, until 50km/h there is still a mirror on the left

And are mirrors under the handlebar legal?

motorcycle mirrors shall be at least 69 cm2; that would be for round steering end mirrors which have a diameter of at least 4.6 cm.

There is also no general prohibition to mount the steering end mirror downwards on the steering wheel of the motorcycle. However, you must note that this does not impair the steering and the mirror must not touch the motorcycle even with a full steering impact. In addition, the road-directed viewing angle up to the rearview mirror, according to the EU directive, must not exceed more than 55 degrees.

However, make sure that this somewhat strange combination of these changes will surely awaken the interest of the police again and again.