Wie viel Speicher hat euer PC?
Wie viel Speicher ist in eurem PC verbaut?
Bei mir sind es aktuell 3 Terabyte. 500 GB SSD, 500 GB HDD und 2 TB HDD.
Wie viel Speicher ist in eurem PC verbaut?
Bei mir sind es aktuell 3 Terabyte. 500 GB SSD, 500 GB HDD und 2 TB HDD.
Hallo, Ich habe mir vor kurzem einen Brother DCP-3550 Farblaserdrucker gekauft. Die Einrichtung ging recht einfach von statten. Zum Start hatte ich das Problem, dass ich auf der Startseite keine einzige Funktion auswählen konnte. Dieses Problem war dann plötzlich einfach verschwunden. Jetzt habe ich auf einmal wieder genau das gleiche Problem. Ich kann auf der…
Hab aus PC Festplatte ausgebaut, will sie nur als externes Speichermedium nutzen. Hab sie formatiert, es gibt aber immer noch mehrere Sektoren oder Verzeichnisse.
Ich habe letztens ein Programm (Den Riot Client, samt League of Legends und Valorant) vollständig mit einem anderen Programm von meiner einen Festplatte(HDD) gelöscht und dann auf die andere Festplatte(SSD) installiert. Zuvor befand sich in dem Valorant Ordner eine kaputte Datei, weswegen ich das Programm zum Deinstallieren heruntergeladen habe. Nun hab ich alles neu installiert…
Hi, ich weis dass, es nicht erlaubt ist eine VPN zu benutzen um spiele zu erwerben aber, was ist wenn ich auf einen 2ten Account ein spiel mit vpn runterlade und dann spiele. Ist dann, mein Haupt Account in Gefahr gebannt zu werden?
A 4TB-NVMe-SSD, on which currently just under 2TB are free, because I no longer want HDDs in my (main) PC.
It was clearly the right decision, because extremely fast and quiet, and 4TB was no overkill. Even 8TB, in particular with regard to future security, I do not find it completely absurd.
Everything under a 2TB SSD is as I find 2024 for a decent desktop PC simply no longer contemporary.
1 TB which is completely sufficient for my circumstances. Even the 1TB I’m far from filling.
Really? I upgraded my PC since the question.
Get me an additional SSD with 2TB storage (gift from Mama).
So have a total of 5TB memory (500GB+2000GB SSD+500GB HDD+2000GB HDD) Windows as well as the games run on the SSDs more liquid than on the HDDs.
Have a NVme SSD with Windows and the most important apps and then again 500 GB as normal SSD. Didn’t know what to do with more storage.
I was in the “Savewahn” a few months ago and I didn’t think I had enough memory, which has now turned out to be true and then got me some SSDs and HDDs. Because it was in the offer I bought a Synology NAS with 2x 6TB records.
The PC is now installed:
1x WD Black 4TB
1x Samsung Evo 970 Plus 1TB NVME
1x Samsung Evo 870 1TB SATA
1x WD MyBook 10TB USB 3.0 External HDD
2x WD Red 6TB in the Synology NAS 723+ (mirror, i.e. 6TB usable, more precisely something more than 5.5TB)
I think it should be enough for the next few years, except I find a Synology NAS on offer again.
So I’m currently at home on 22TB storage.
My own little all-round server.
AMD Threadripper (Pro) 5995WX 64x 2.70GHz
1 TB Ram.
Graphics: Sapphire Radeon RX 7900 XTX Nitro+ Vapor-X with 24GB. (2X)
Power supply ATX 1500W (taken from old servers with matching adapters made functional) is for its conditions Leise.
Memory (Conventional ) 24TB WD Gold (4X) on Raid 5 (3 on Raid a Save)
Operating system is located on M.2 NVME with 1 TB on Raid 1 ( 2X) manufacturer WD
My old box AMD socket FM2+ with 32GB Ram DDR3.
2X10 TB on Raid 1 (SATA) and 2X 512 GB SSD on SATA Raid 1
Graphic : AMD RX 560 with 4GB (2x)
750W power supply ( had no other just there)
Little working horse.
AMD RX 1800X (Sockel AM4)
GK: AMD Rx 580 with 8 GB.
2X 4TB from WD to Raid 1 (conventional), 2 NVME on M.2 with 1TB also on Raid 1.
750W power supply ATX.
Added 4 more laptops all AMD Based on one with Intel (Shift Fund)
You’re shocking and using it as a NAS at the same time?
1 TB RAM?? Can you know what so much RAM is used for?
My Desktop PC has a 2TB SSD because gaming PC. Video games need space.
My laptop has 256GB SSD, it’s just working.
All personal data are on my home server, which has a 64GB SSD installed for the operating system and 10TB HDD storage, of which 8TB can be used.
My PC has a total of 5TB storage (the good KC3000 when it has cost 100€), then 500GB SSD SanDisk Ultra 3D from 2017 (from the “old PC”), and especially 2TB WD Blue 7200 RPM and 500GB 7200RPM from Seagate).
I don’t want to have HDDs in my PC, just because of the volume.
Moreover, if you have several computers at home, it is very pleasant to store useful data centrally.
a 1 TB SSD is installed in my main computer. A 128 GB SSD is installed in both my laptops and the second PC.
On a 512GB SSD, the BS and the most important programs and a 2TB SSD are used for various projects such as video editing. The rest consists of HDDs: 2x 4TB (#1 programs/games, #2 projects) and 2x with 6TB as data graves.
To this day, I’m still good with it when the memory gets so slow. I’m sure you could get rid of something again; but for what you have so much space if you don’t use it. ;o)
exactly 237 GB, of which 97 GB are occupied.
I have a inherited 1TB USB hard drive
2tb ssd in PC, 2tb ssd in business laptop
128gb ssd in office laptop, 128gb ssd in my girl for all laptop
and external 4tb 2.5 hdd
1 TB semiconductor drive for operating system and the Kram + 4 TB hard drive for games.
There are 48 TB on the NAS.
4x 4TB m.2 SSD so total 16TB
Fixedly installed 4.25 TB on SSD memory. Then there are 16 TB connected via NAS.
A 128 GB SSD. Most data are on a NAS.
So there’s only the operating system (and some programs) on it?
Right. Linux, LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird and a bit of small stuff.
Few GB personal files.
Gets great and quick backups, migrate whatever.
I can install all the stuff within an hour on another PC with an empty SDD and play back the backup and continue where I post here and now.
A 500gb SSD + 3 built-in HDD with 3+4+6 TB.
13,5TB wow 😎
1tb sd
1tb rich, otherwise I take an external fp
Really? I upgraded my PC since the question.
Get me an additional SSD with 2TB storage (gift from Mama).
Maybe idk
3.5 TB