Wie viel sollte man im 3 Schicht System verdienen?
Guten Tag,
mein Mann hat demnächst ein Bewerbungsgespräch für eine Stelle in der Produktion (Pharma) mit 3 Schicht System mit gelegentlichen Wochenendarbeiten.
Weiß einer ungefähr wie hoch hier ein Gehalt mindestens sein sollte ?
LG Franceska
Tariff + alternating layer supplement, which is usual (for tariff you may also use an adequate content) . The allowance should be able to be taken from an operating agreement and on weekends and public holidays, any allowances should be added. That’s how it should stop.
Since there is a collective agreement and an works council, you could see or ask the information requested there.
This depends on many factors that may be unud to shiftwork. Weekend work all unknown.
Your husband will know at the latest after the interview. What kind of training does he have? And why do you want to know what your husband deserves? I want him to buy you stuff.
You can’t answer that. I think it’ll be a minimum wage.