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Kiffen schädlich?
Hallo, ich wollte mal fragen was es mit dem Körper vom Jugendlichen ( so alter 16) und erwachsenen macht wenn man bspw. Jedes Wochenende kifft. Danke für die Antworten. Nur zu Info ich mach’s nicht aber viele meine Freunde, darum die Frage.
Anyone who thinks about ciffing at the age of 16 should note that the risks associated with consumption are increased as long as the brain has not grown and the natural or puberty-related labile phase of puberty has not been overcome. Ideally, no noise is absorbed during the course.
If you do it – and then no matter how old you are – you should always take care of it. Drugs all act individually. If you don’t know how a substance affects you, you should always take “too little” instead of “too much”. Note that cannabis inhales while working within minutes, but it can take up to half an hour until the effects of a dosage reach its maximum. If you take several trains right away, you might find that it was too much.
General information on the effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
Read “noise” from Wurth and Geyer, because you can do something wrong in dealing with cannabis.
3 trains just smoke and that should be enough if you can not do higher next time zb 5 trains
If you really are 16 you should listen to analbtraum and aXXLJ
one or two trains, inhale and hold as long as possible the lung, then have a good trip 🙂
can you then continue to smoke the rest of the joint? haha
give him more to your mate, for the first time, 1 or 2 moves, later you can
I mean also maybe the next day
Hold a train, hold 3 seconds, wait 15 minutes.
I never wear more than 5 trains, even though I sometimes smoked 5 bags