Wie viel soll ich bei Mecces bestellen?
Hi, sagt mal wie viel schafft ihr so bei Mecces?
Mein Rekord waren mal 4 BigMacs, 1 Portion Pommes und ne Cola. Danach war ich aber auch im Fresskoma.
Und wie viel und was soll ich als nächstes bestellen?😅😋
Hallo, mein kleiner Bruder (6) liebt es überall in den Schränken etwas zu suchen und weil meine Mutter kurz unaufmerksam war, hat er etwas wie Salz gefunden ,dass aussieht wie salz für brezeln und davon hat er anscheinend viele gegessen, weswegen er dann erbrechen musste und da meine Mutter sich sorgen macht hab ich ein…
Ich kann links und mit der rechten Hand essen mit gabel. Wie nennt man das, wenn man mit beiden Händen essen kann?
In DHA und EPA
I eat relatively little for my size. Since I rarely go to McDonalds, I can only tell you what my “standartbestellung” is at Burgerking
ANNEX After that I’m always tired
(Love vegetarian, maybe it also makes the difference)
Oh, okay. Would be too little.😅
During the action at the time where 1 Big Mac cost 1 Euro, I have eaten over the day 12 Big Mac.
Wau, very cool. Respect
I love the BigMac.😍
I hope to create them at once
1 Cheeseburger, 1 Pommes, 1 milkshake and 1 ice cream.
Thanks, but too little
A salad. It’s probably that at McDonalds where the least “gift substances” are in it.
Hihi, neee😅
Yes! Do you even know what they’re doing? Just say no with no idea
Ohh. Sorry that wasn’t meant. All right.
Yeah, I know that’s not healthy.😅
Nothing because it’s just fucking food. Everyone who says that is “good” Eating is just hidden! This is not a good food it makes you fat and it is not a flex 7 burger to eat. Where’s your flex when you sign up at 30 in the gym and I’m 10 times wider than you?
Maybe. But I’d like to increase to bacon. 😉
Then take something that doesn’t break your body so well? This is not an argument
Thank you.🙏🤗 And now how much should I order?😅
I wouldn’t do it, but is your responsibility Have fun!
I don’t just eat there.😅 I’m just trying to stuff myself up. 😋😋
I eat a snack salad, drink a coffee, and sometimes I enjoy an apple bag. That’s all I want to eat, it’s too gross.
Okay. Not to me.😅😋
When I was younger, it tasted better. But they’ve let them down. 🤢
Ohh. Okay.
I never liked him again. Good burgers have been around 10 years no longer with the golden gull. Most of the summer of 2012, the garden castle… He was fine.
Okay. I love the BigMac.😍
Six Cheeseburgers.
Too little
Then just dipped in hot cooking
Ne chicken box villeicht
Hmm. I believe this will become monotonous after the 20th
Anything else?😅
A good indicative value is thus approx. 23,000 kcal.
At Mc Donalds, however, you’ll get to this sum very quickly
Oki. Very much. Then shoot.😊😋ðŸ ̃‰
Just stay at home and see what you got on vegetables.
Salad and coffee