Wie viel sind solche Briefmarken noch wert?
Habe diese Briefmarkensammlung damals von meinem Opa bekommen. Lag jetzt jahrelang im Dachboden und hab die mal wieder runter geholt. Mich würde interessieren sind solche alten Marken wertvoll? (Stehen nicht zum Verkauf)
Nix. That’s all mass goods and nobody buys anything like that. So quite worthless:(
Best regards, Jan
Unfortunately no, all cheap mass goods, as you find in miracle bags and kiloware.
All cheap mass goods I think and if you don’t find a collector who wants to have these brands, you can only dispose of them. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
Unfortunately nothing.
To give away
You can do that.
Hello! Unfortunately, the stamps market has completely collapsed. Also, because hardly any stamps are being franked.
I have some inherited 20 albums in a bank compartment. They were worth over 10,000 euros, now 300 euros were offered
I’ll keep her as a reminder
Good day
are no more many, the rest he has swept away in lifetimes