Wie viel sind 1000 Geschenke wert auf twitch?
Leute wieviel sind 1000 Geschenke wert auf twitch ? Also auf dem Bild sieht man, dass DropdeadTobi 999 Geschenke gespendet hat Also fast 1000. Wieviel € sind das und wieviel bekommt letztendlich der Streamer davon am Ende?
Depends on a few factors:
1) 70/30 or 60/40 Share: the streamer gets 70% or 60% of the revenue of Subs depending on what contract he has with Twitch.
2) Living or Streamer’s tax seat: from the above revenues, the streamer must also pay taxes, we’re about 50% off, for simplicity
Some streamers have, for example, moved to Madeira, where I know you pay much less income tax
1 Sub = 3,99 (I believe)
1000 Subs = 3.990 €
70% of them are 2.793€
Half (in this example) goes away for taxes
stay at the end 1.396,50€
Ok thanks ðŸTM‚ So the streamer earned over 10,000€ today? Because some more than 3000 have been given…
Aso no lese just gets reset all 17 days the list
A sub to Twitch costs 4,99€ at the time, but otherwise everything is in line with the answer.
Sound https://gaming-tools.de/twitch-subs calculator/ are 1,000 given subs for the streamer €1,90 (after deduction of USt [but incorrectly calculated with 19% of gross price instead of 19% of net price]) and costs the user €3,990
Ok thank you
So the streamer has earned over €20,000 today alone?
Aso no is reset all 17 days the list