Wie viel schätzt ihr, seid ihr am Tag an Medien?
Ich rede jetzt nicht nur von der Handyzeit sonder auch inklusive zocken (xbox, nintendo, switch etc.) YouTube, Netflix, Social Media usw.
Würde mich mal interessieren:D und bitte ehrlich antworten 😀☝️
Thea ^^
Can it be sometimes. However, it is due to the day what is so.It can sometimes be less time, or even not present at all for some reason.
Beautiful weekend💙
LG Sky…🌞🌞🌞
Hello dear Thea34249😊Thank you for the star🌟💛I was very happy about it🤗 Wish you on this planet only the best of all hearts 💛Sky…🌞🌞🌞
So at the moment it is usually about 5 hours. 🤣🤍
LG Maike
Unfortunately. But I have to distract myself from pain.
I’m sorry
so ca, but constantly changes because in the holidays I have a lot more time. But that’s how I’m stressed so often that it’s safe on a few days even under an hour.
that is
On normal school days, probably 4.5 hours. If much is missing or holidays like longer
Plus Zocken and YouTube?
If I have a regular school day, yes