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2 years ago

You should eat him more often – then he doesn’t make any trouble.

2 years ago

As much as you want and as much as you can. I have no problem at all to eat a kilo of rose cabbage without getting a brow. Others can’t even eat 100g of it and have to fight with a flowering bell.

2 years ago

Then no one at all, cabbage generally dissolves something like that through its ingredients and digestion…

2 years ago

As much as you like. As long as you drink a beautiful cup of fennel-anis cumin tea.

That neutralizes the furt gases.

2 years ago

It depends. I contract 500 grams of rose cabbage without complaints.

2 years ago

No one can tell you here, you have to try it specifically and also take into account that the daily form plays a role.