Wie viel Reitergewicht?
hallo ich habe hier ein paar Pferde von Kaufanzeigen und mich würde interessieren wie viel Kg ihr darauf setzen würdet und warum
- New Forest Pony, Stute, 15y, 151cm groß, Dressur
2.Connemara, Stute, 4y, 154cm,Springen
3.Haflinger, Wallach, 4y, 150cm, Dressur
4.Connemara, Wallach, 5y, 152cm, Vielseitigkeit
Die Verkaufsanzeigen sind von Ehorses
You can’t answer that.
Thus, a professional can be much heavier than Alma beginners.
The little crunch heavier than the bean bar.
Degree of training of the horse does its rest.
1 nix
2 to 4 50 to 60 apprentices 75 professional.
Plus minus 15 kilos.
Basically, the 15% rule is not quite wrong. But it comes to much more: for example what is this for horse, how is the frame/body construction, rather square or rather rectangular, short/long back, compact, strong horse or rather long-legged and narrow, how old is the horse – e.g. still in growth, or already old,… – how is the muscle, the general/training state, the training of the horse, as are the proportions of the horse
I know many normal-weight, or (to) thin people who just ride k**e and I know multi-weight people who ride top and sit on top. Of course, it is also clear with the latter that there are limits. Not every horse can wear a horse with a heavy proportion (just as little as one in relation to big rider) and things like jumping, VS,… should be really well considered if that is then reasonable for the horse.
The weight is relative. The proportions are much more important than not necessarily the absolute size of a rider, but rather its ratios thighs/lower body, thighs/lower leg and much more.
I wouldn’t want to sit on 2-4. Because they are obviously too young to be heated.
I can’t say that at NR 1. The lady who sits on it, in any case, looks marginal. But one must know better the exact constitution of the horse, and see it running under the rider, and more to say.
horse one has a massive traction exhaustion.