Wie viel Prozent hattet ihr bei eurer Fahrschulprüfung (Theorie)?
Ich bin jetzt bei 100%, ganz vorbereitet fühle ich mich jedoch noch nicht. (Morgen ist die Prüfung).
Ich werde auf jeden fall noch weiter lernen, wollte aber wissen mit wie viel Prozent ihr bestanden habt.
100%, 0 errors.
But it’s also unlikely easy.
Had today, it has been 100%, 0 error points ; ^ )
Marriage… I had 70 or so xD
But only a week before the exam started to learn—ABER has also succeeded ^
If I had made some questions more often, the percentages would probably have gone up, but I could remember the right answers so much, without having to put them in again.
I had all the questions right.
But I was lucky too, because the bow had been right for me. (The formula that was asked was exactly the one that I really knew.)