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According to most statistics it can not be more than approx. 10% of the earth’s population.
Let’s go through the larger states and territories of the Earth briefly:
In India, the most populous country in the world, is about 28% (or 31% after a somewhat older study). This country alone with its traditional Hindu vegetarianism raises statistics worldwide.
In ChinaWhere almost as many people live, however, it is only 5% – and the consumption of meat by the Chinese is steadily increasing and is above the many European countries.
In USA it is only 4% and this country has the highest meat consumption in the world.
Japan has 9% vegetarians.
Russia only 1% and the meat consumption, which was very low there, has reached almost Western European level today.
In Indonesia, Malaysia and Southeast Asia may it be cut 10 – 15%.
In Latin America, a large number of meat is generally eaten, but on the other hand Brazil and Argentina about 13% vegetarian!
In Muslim world traditionally the kitchen consists mainly of cereals and legumes. Accordingly, meat consumption is not very high there. Pigmeat is generally avoided for beliefs. Up to 16% there should be vegetarians.
For Sub-Saharan Africa Reliable data is missing. But meat consumption is very low, as people there hardly have money for it. Vegetarianism, however, as a conscious ethical or health principle, should generally play only a marginal role there.
In Europe meat consumption is highest in the West ( Celtic countries such as Spain, Portugal, Ireland or France). Vegetarians are often too ca. 10%, but much less in southern Europe. In northern Europe, however, relatively many vegetarians live and meat consumption is also somewhat lower. Also in Eastern Europe, where relative poverty forces many people to less meat.
Fun Facts about special countries:
Israel has 8% vegetarians, but a quite high average meat consumption.
The Switzerland Interestingly, only 5% vegetarians – that’s surprising considering how much comes from the conscious food and health industry.
In Scandinavia there are relatively many vegetarians, about 12%.
Spain and Portugal Europe is final light: only 1.4% live there vegetarian. At the same time, Spain in Europe has the highest meat consumption (112 kg a year).
Germany and England have 10% vegetarians – relatively much so.
14% of German.
You can’t say that around the world. In certain countries, 90% is eaten vegetarian, but they would not call themselves vegetarian. But it is probably more than 14% worldwide.
6% of the world’s population are vegans, which is another step. It’s green. So also relatively much.
But vegans only make up a small part of the vegetarians.
Statista says that the actual proportion of vegetarian people in Germany was about 6% in 2023. They are very trustworthy in themselves. What is the correct bill now?
I also opened statista. There’s 8.2 million. Probably you thought these were percentages? Idk. adjustment-number-vegetarier/
That would be about. 10%, but only 14-60 years old people were questioned.
The data were also collected in an oral personal interview, which does not seem so anonymous.
As I said, it’s hard to say. A person known to me is currently feeding himself purely vegetable because of medicaments he must take, but as vegetarian he would not call himself. It’s hard to ask, and there’s something else going on. In januar, for example, there are almost twice as many vegetarians as in November. Others are vegetarian during the fasting period in the spring. Orthodox are also almost always veggy on the go, but do not call themselves vegetarian. If, as stated, it should be indicated in a veritable manner. 12 – 14% is actually what I have heard most in the last 10 years.
No. India has the highest share of 72%. The only country of rank with traditional vegetarianism for religious reasons. This is different from modern western vegetarianism as a modern postmodern phenomenon.
In the sub-Saharan some meat is eaten. But not because people refuse it, but because they don’t have money for it. The blacks in the USA have the highest meat consumption there.
I have already said that many foreigners would feed themselves vegetarianly, but they would not have such a tendency… Therefore, there is no accurate statistics. What are you writing?
On the subject, just every minute wants. once give contrast or how…
Sorry, it was 28%. Even in India, vegetarians are in the minority.
Interesting is that Statista has been hiding behind a paywall since this week? They’ve turned me into something…
I am not stupid, I can very well distinguish percentages from quantities. However, I did not have these statistics.
What do we do? Don’t believe any statistics you didn’t fake yourself.
Sorry, 8.12 million, not 8.2 million (before you hit again)
About a billion people. According to Google.
sorted by countries: Forecasts/261627/share of vegetarian and veganer-an-der-bevoelkerung-ausgewaehlter-laender-worldwide
No, there are 12% alone in Germany (Stand: Tagesschau 2023). In many other countries, even much more percent of people don’t eat meat.
Which one? In Europe, I only know that there are more vegetarians in Sweden and Denmark. Only India worldwide.
It is true that meat consumption outside the West is lower than in Western Europe or even America. But not because there are more vegetarians there, but because the people there have traditionally less money for meat and have developed corresponding kitchen sites.