What percentage of Germans do not know the difference between “das” and “dass”?
Especially on GF, the two are often misused and result in completely meaningless sentences… – what do you think?
Especially on GF, the two are often misused and result in completely meaningless sentences… – what do you think?
Hello, can someone please write me an interpretation of the poem "The Flower Garden"? Or rather, not the whole thing, but just the ending, because commenting on the poem and such is just not my thing.
I just read that in another thread. Is that true? Samyang Buldak instant noodles, for example, have 400 calories per 100 grams. Does that include the dry weight? https://www.amazon.de/Samyang-Chicken-Buldak-Noodle-Cheese/dp/B07KPJMJZP/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?keywords=samyang%2Bra men&qid=1686028329&sprefix=Samya%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-4-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&smid=AIPAQNAEBLT1&th=1
Hi I'm well-informed about the internet and computers and can get certain items on the dark web (anonymously, of course) with at least a 70% chance of success. Sellers are rated. I have a German passport and a very attractive Russian man 😁 I hate the cold etc. and want to take a risk before…
O wide valleys, o heights, O beautiful, green forest, You of my pleasure and pain Reverent stay! Out there, always betrayed, The busy world rushes by, Strike the bow again Around me, you green tent! When it begins to meet, The earth steams and flashes, The birds are singing merrily, That your heart resonates: May…
Dear all, I'm looking for verbs that a mouse can make with its movements under the floor? What comes to mind is: rustling , maybe also "crackling" (I don't know if that fits the mouse). What else is there? Thank you for all the tips!
In my generation you know the difference. At that time there were German lessons in primary school. Today you can obviously easily pass the abitur with inadequate German circuses.
Unfortunate if you don’t know the difference first of all if you don’t even try to understand when to use it or
If you care if it’s written with one or two? As long as you understand what is meant, you don’t have to know everything or can in life. And for such pea census, time is too bad, life can be so easy if you just want it;-)
The spelling is getting worse and worse. Look at this. https://www.news4teachers.de/2023/05/debatte-um-rechtstellung-if-lehrkraefte-die-texte-ihrer-schueler-nicht-multi-entschluesseln-koennen-ist-das-ein-echt-problem/
If you understand it on the Internet, it doesn’t matter. But as soon as people no longer know how to use the German language, it becomes critical.
So I see that 😉
I guess it’s about 60-70%.
Members Superiors of me have some degree and degree and do not control the difference. What I find pretty poor.
At our Abiturjahrgang this has been similar.
It’s sad!
Meanwhile, this seems to be simply ignored with exams, etc..
This is probably more of sloppyness and that too many take the smartphone instead of the computer. They don’t read what they wrote before they send it.
About the same many who have been over and are stumbled.
Ahh, typical. the mistake hurts me more personally
The spelling here is a disaster anyway. Large and small description, spelling, grammar; so many construction sites.
Hmmm 65%?
Could fit🤷