Wie viel Porto auf Postkarte?

Hallo zusammen, ich möchte gleich eine aufklappbare Postkarte mit Briefumschlag verschicken. Weiß jemand wie viel der Brief dann ungefähr wiegen wird oder was ich an Porto bezahlen muss?

danke schon mal

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2 years ago

This depends on dimensions and weight


2 years ago
Reply to  Chrisi1780

Then go to a post office, let the letter weigh and frank it there

2 years ago
Reply to  Chrisi1780

Without balance it becomes difficult… then let the mail weigh and buy the right brand there.

2 years ago

A envelope with a folding card in it weighs less than 20 g. Own experience. 20 g are a envelope with 2 A-4 sheets approx. But if you have to buy a brand….

2 years ago

If it has a normal letter size, €1,10

2 years ago
Reply to  Blindi56

If the letter is to go abroad, yes. Otherwise it is the wrong postage value

2 years ago
Reply to  Highlands

Is there anything from abroad???

2 years ago

Oh sooo, I was also slightly shocked by the price, but I had entered the “Briefporto 2022” at google, because the postage is constantly increasing, and without any further click on a table found:

Product variants

Product max. Weight

Postcard and standard letter up to 20 g 1,10 €

Whatever that means…

Inland letter/postcard thus 0.85

and 20 g are about a envelope with 3 A sides in it. I weighed up now.

2 years ago

No, not at all. so I don’t know how to get to € 1.10

2 years ago

a folding postcard with envelope

A folding card in the envelope or what do you mean?

Up to 20 g a letter costs 85 cents, up to 50 g 1 €.
