Wie viel Opium im Urin durch Mohnbrötchen?
Hallo habe 2 mohnbrötchen gegessen und musste 20 stunden darauf einen urintest abgeben im labor, bei dem der cut off wert bei <25ng/ml liegt. Wird der test jetz positiv?
und wenn ich schon dabei bin, war vor 1 ein halb wochen noch bei einem thc cut off wert von über 20 und da liegt der Cutoff wert bei <10 ng/ml, wie siehts damit aus
bedanke mich im vorraus für die hilfreichen antworten!
No one can or should speculate. Neither do you.
Just wait.
If you are testing opiat positively, you can explain it “faithful” with poppy rolls.
For THC tests, the measured value is more of secondary importance; In the course of several tests, a negative curve (similar to a falling fever curve) results over a certain period.
as it was my 2nd test and I was negative at the first and in the meantime smoked I would just like to know how much I could have degraded on average (thc)
Buy a set of urine tests for cannabis (with low cut-off) at Amazon and test yourself.
There is no measurable average degradation, because people metabolize differently quickly, feed different amounts of cannabis, inhale different cannabinoid compositions, are different active etc.
I made the test was not 100% unequivocal I still wonder how much you are on average in the week