Wie viel Oliven Öl oder Leinöl pro Tag würde gesunden Fettanteil des Tagesbedarfes decken, wenn isst?

welche gesunden Öle könnt ihr empfehlen, kann man zu sich nehmen als Esslöffel oder wieviel an Mengen etc. sodass die Leberwerte nicht steigen und Norm Bereich bleiben und der Haut auch nicht schadet von Zuviel oder schlechtem Fett

habe wenig Zeit zu kochen deswegen

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2 years ago

I don’t know how to get you idea to consume vegetable oils in g.

  • Breakfast 2 eggs plus 2 rolls with butter + cheese and sausage/ fish
  • A normal home cooking, such as 80g meat/fish with potatoes and supplement + a small mixed salad
  • Dinner either bread or the rest of the lunch

Deliver enough fat!

2 years ago

Every morning 1 El. Lean oil, 25 years.

How healthy is linseed oil?

Lein oil contains particularly much alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). 56 to 71 grams of this 3-fold unsaturated fatty acid are in 100 grams of linseed oil – as much as in no other vegetable oil. Our body cannot produce this omega-3 fatty acid itself. That is why we need to take enough of it through food. ALA is an important component of our cell membranes. It ensures that our cells can be well supplied with nutrients.



Olive oil:

In salad, to baguette, to bread and bread baked, also pure 1 El per day.

Even at a highcholesterol levelsregular consumption of olive oil is recommended, since monounsaturated fatty acids the poorLower LDL cholesterol



Caraway oil.

“Black cumin cures everything except death.”

Sporadical to eat.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pedro1234

Yes every morning, consistent 1 linseed oil on sober stomach.

I’ve never done rubbing.

2 years ago

My face 1X a week while showering, don’t work in the coalworks.

Skin should not be too often washed that spoils more than it does.

2 years ago

As a teenager, I had hardly any pimples, I’m lucky.

In later life I had very rare which, today I am 61.

I don’t use cosmetics.

2 years ago

You get pimples from sebaceous gland constipation, mostly in puberty.

By taking oil you don’t get a pimple, even by eating fat.