Wie viel Nikotin hat diese Vape?


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7 months ago

15k. is also up there but would not recommend you to order if you had that, in the internet is much more expensive than if you buy it in a sishashop

5 months ago
Reply to  tuaana

15k. is also up there but…

This number has with the amount

of nicotine nothing to do!

4 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

yes bro is the number of suits, do you see a number of ml somewhere?

4 months ago

Ne .. nix “bro”… 🤦🏻 ♀️

7 months ago

I advise you to vape at all. You’re 16, maximum 17 and that means that your brain is still growing. With alcohol, nicotine and all other drugs, you’ll cause major damage because they affect the development of the brain.

7 months ago
Reply to  Moin66254

With alcohol, nicotine and all other drugs, you’ll cause major damage because they affect the development of the brain.

Nicotine is not a drug.

Regarding nicotine’s harmfulness potential, what do you think is how high it is when something is officially available from 12 years…

7 months ago
Reply to  RayAnderson

Harmfulness of nicotine: irrelevant for adults, but it is a danger to the DEVELOPMENT of the brain. And with 16 or 17 years, the brain of the questioner is not fully developed.

7 months ago
Reply to  Moin66254

Nicotine is NO drug

and nicotine does not judge

Damage in the brain or elsewhere!

7 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

In the child’s brain already.

7 months ago
Reply to  Moin66254

because they affect the development of the brain. – nope… doesn’t make nicotine.

7 months ago
Reply to  sunnymarie32

WHO, NIDA, RKI, CNC, NIH, APA and AAP say something else.

7 months ago

I do not know if I have overlooked some of his publications

But you should do that before you draw false conclusions again!

For bad excuses and slandering, I still have to be aware that I have a false statement

Exactly, that’s why you’ve made a number of criminal statements here.

I don’t count your knowledge as an argument

Knowledge is knowledge. How was that with the IQ?

Serious German Sudien you reject the German laws.

Your statements are becoming more and more blurred…

I sent you further studies under the other comment.

Our studies are completely irrelevant!

Are you coming over with something serious?

Otherwise, I would devote myself more importantly.

7 months ago

I do not know if I have overlooked some of his publications, but the linked talk mainly about vapes and when it comes to nicotine, he does not relate directly to children or not fully trained brains.

My “Thema Missed” refers to Bernd Mayers, whom I have read and in which no direct reference is made to children and their development in connection with nicotine.

However, as it is at present, these publications are beautiful, but they do not say that nicotine is safe for a child.

Forgive me if I read something, but what source did you deliver that says that nicotine does not leave any damage in a growing brain?

For bad renunciation and slanderment, I still have to be aware that I am meeting a false statement, which is obviously not known, you lawyer! If I have not read anything about what is quite possible in this news flow, I have not heard any argument that proves exactly that. I don’t count your knowledge as an argument, so sorry I am. There must be something more reliable and I sent you further studies under the other comment.

7 months ago

And you could, for your point of view, make nicotine harmless even for a youthful brain.

FALSCH! You’re on the threshold of lustful excuse and slander!

Bernd Mayer has not written in any of his publications that nicotine is also harmless for children.

Of course he did. You just have to read or listen. However, it is unnecessary to stay longer on the subject, because at the latest in connection with other products that do not represent medicines, such as the nicotine products available in the pharmacies, everything is from 18.

I therefore consider this to be missing the subject.

What should I call you in such statements? Dumbs, stupid child or how would you like it? I don’t want to offend you, so my question. What you get out of here is once again a criminal relevance!

To date, you lack all the evidence you wanted to provide.

Apart from our own studies and links without context, so far nothing came from you…

7 months ago

And you could, for your point of view, make nicotine harmless even for a youthful brain.

Bernd Mayer has not written in any of his publications that nicotine is also harmless for children.

I therefore consider this to be missing the subject.

7 months ago

What do you want with this unselfish study?

Did you even read it? If so, what I doubt, you obviously didn’t understand them.

There, old studies (smoker studies) were used to conclude from the data on nicotine, which is now not possible seriously.

A short quote, translated for you: Since there are few existing studies on humans who investigate the effects of a pure nicotine exposure, we have included in this review in vivo, in vitro and human smoke exposure studiesIn order to determine the likelihood of nicotine exposure solely in the cause of adverse health consequences during development.

Nevertheless, it would be a false statement in the study to write nicotine instead of tobacco.

It’s always wrong if you like nicotine and tobacco or use one for the other.

Still, you could not lead a single serious study…!

7 months ago


Another publication.

Nevertheless, it would be a false statement in the study to write nicotine instead of tobacco.

7 months ago

says how nicotine influences the development of the brain. It’s about nicotine, not smoking. Otherwise there would not be “Nicotine”, but “tobacco”.

Yeah, that’s how it’s about smoking studies.

You misjudged the context, apart from the age of the study…

7 months ago

There is how nicotine influences the development of the brain. It’s about nicotine, not smoking. Otherwise there would not be “Nicotine”, but “tobacco”.

7 months ago

What do you want to tell the sentence?

Studies are always considered in context!

7 months ago

Nicotine exposure during adolescence alters acetylcholine and glutamate receptor signaling in the prefrontal cortex, one of the last brain areas to mature.

7 months ago

These organisations are now renown

No one contested. This, however, does not lead to factual, scientific reports or studies.

I haven’t found this study anymore, but that’s what I found here.

A study of smoking. What do you want me to do?

Partly it refers to smoking, but partly also directly to nicotine.

FALSCH! It always refers to smoking, even if it has not been repeated in every sentence!

Was it with your studies?

7 months ago

Did you forget the pocket money paragraph?

I haven’t found this study anymore, but this is what this is:


Partly it refers to smoking, but partly also directly to nicotine.

You’re right, it doesn’t matter what I think it’s important, but it doesn’t matter what you find important.
These organisations are now renown, reputable and often quoted.

7 months ago

hr continues to dazzle 6 of the most renowned health organizations…

No scientific and serious study is hidden.

Why is ERST AB 12 legally possible to get to nicotine?

This is the legal regulation. Toddlers are not businessable!

Forgive me if important health organizations are more important than your knowledge.

Who cares what you care about…

If you give me some time, I’ll find out the study that NIDA has conducted on this topic.

Well, that would be your first real contribution.

7 months ago

Source? And why is it only possible from 12 onwards to legally arrive at nicotine?

7 months ago

You still hide 6 of the most prestigious health organizations and have no source of nicotine damage to children.

I’ll turn your argument over.

Why is ERST AB 12 legally possible to get to nicotine?

Forgive me if important health organizations are more important than your knowledge.

If you give me some time, I’ll find out the study that NIDA has conducted on this topic.

7 months ago

In this case, and this refuts your argument that this is paid by the pharmaceutical industry, no type of industry has an interest in it.

Let’s finally be your steadfast claims!

Neither PachamamaSquaw, nor sunnymarie32 or I argue with the pharmaceutical industry. That would then at best be an assertion.

We make it clear, because it is proven and knowledge.

You don’t like it as a child. Perhaps the context is too complex to you. However, there are facts!

That means you’re blinding 6 of the world’s most important health practices because they don’t support your opinion?

And again you work with insane submissions!

This is not about opinions. This is reality and it is facts!

7 months ago

You tell total nonsense

7 months ago

In this case, and this refuts your argument that this is paid by the pharmaceutical industry, no type of industry has an interest in it.

That means you’re blinding 6 of the world’s most important health practices because they don’t support your opinion?

Do you have a source that nicotine is also harmless for a brain that is not fully developed?

7 months ago

beautiful for those who claim but also a lot of other things that then turn out to be untrue… the WHO is an excellent example for this.

7 months ago

Forgive me, I forgot the end.

7 months ago

I don’t throw nicotine into a pot with more dangerous. It should be merely examples that (partial)legalization does not make a substance harmless.

That’s exactly what you write!

You are blinding studies by WHO, RKI (of which you seem not to think), but also NIDA, CDC, NIH, APA and AAP.

I’m blinding studies????

What a bullshit!

How to dazzle studies?

Is that a child’s chat?

7 months ago

I don’t throw nicotine into a pot with more dangerous. It should only be examples that
(partial)legalization does not make a substance harmless.

You are blinding studies by WHO, RKI (of which you seem not to think), but also NIDA, CDC, NIH, APA and AAP.

However, these studies cannot be paid studies of the pharmaceutical industry, because they have no interest in it.

7 months ago

That it is available from 12 does not change that it is harmful. Cannabis and alcohol are also available from a certain age!

WOW… now you throw dangerous drugs into a pot with safe nicotine!

The brain is fully developed in the middle of 20. Until then, the development can be hindered by various substances, including nicotine.


It would be correct with cannabis, with nicotine it is wrong!

7 months ago

Not under 12 years, but about youthful 16/17 years. It won’t be harmless. The development of the brain is not yet completed!

Nevertheless, it is of course worse for a 12-year-old child than for a young person.

Excuse me, if it’s not a child anymore, that was stupid, but the brain is not mature.

7 months ago

That it is available from 12 does not change that it is harmful. Cannabis and alcohol are also available from a certain age!

The brain is fully developed in the middle of 20. Until then, the development can be hindered by various substances, including nicotine.

That’s what NIDA confirmed. I assume this is a term for you?

7 months ago

in dimensions irrelevant for adults, but it represents a danger to the DEVELOPMENT of the brain.


And with 16 or 17 years, the brain of the questioner is not fully developed.

Nicotine is officially available from 12 years!

7 months ago

Here we go

not for children under 12 J.❗️

7 months ago

This is irrelevant as this part is in the TOTAL EU are prohibited as the more than 2ml liquid have and also exceed the limit of 20mg/ml.

With consumption – at least in STRAFTATE!

7 months ago

What is it? for you for a role?

  1. are the DEALS
  2. are you MINDERY and may not have
7 months ago
Reply to  Merlin06038

Your other questions…

7 months ago
Reply to  Merlin06038

I can read.

7 months ago
Reply to  Merlin06038

What’s your name got to do with it?

I just don’t understand why they are forbidden – they are prohibited because they do not comply with the statutory requirements for e-cigarettes. Here, among other things, the filling quantity is much too high, because there are max 2ml liquid allowed… and then there are other rules such as “must be logged in, 6 months after registration must not be sold out

7 months ago

No, what do you think?