Wie viel netto Lohn um gut zu leben?

Bitte übertreibt nicht mit 4000 netto oder so ne scheiße. Das erreichen die wenigsten. Wie viel netto müsste man so ca verdienen um über die Runden zu kommen, sich mal was gönnen zu können ohne jeden Monat in Schulden zu geraten? Steuerklasse 1, ledig keine Kinder also das standardmäßige.

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1 year ago

This depends on your lifestyle, but 1800 at least

1 year ago

Always depends heavily on the personal claims.

I would say to be able to lead a carefree, relaxed life about 1000€+movies. If you want to enjoy one or other luxury, about 1500€+Miete.

Depending on the rental situation, we are at approx. 2000€ net.

Don’t say anything. Should also give people who earn 3000€+ and still don’t come over the month….

1 year ago

Without children, 2.400 € are nice for a pleasant life. There is also a reasonable holiday in it and you should not want to live in Munich city centre.

1 year ago

First of all, it depends on whether you live in the city or in the countryside…

And then of course how much rental costs you have.

But I would appreciate nice 1500 Eur.

1 year ago

Costs vary widely

There are people who manage to fall into debt with the 4k mentioned by you.

What bring 4k if the apartment costs 3.

Fixed costs (movements, etc) + planned flexible costs (food, clothing,…) + at least 100 for reserves + at least 100 unforeseen I would put on.

The 100 unforeseen are already breaking a lot from birthday to to toaster without the need for reserves. Reserves already take care of some larger items such as new winter tyres or the like.

I would expect that you can solve the usual things without debt.

1 year ago

Can’t be said in detail due to millions of individuality …

some come with 3000 net not from others are not satisfied with ihen 5000…8000€ and 2 financing of 1000…1800€ mtl running.

1 year ago

Some 200 euros, many 2,000, others don’t make it with 20,000.

It depends on the need. What do I want? What do I need?

If you have to spend 800 Euros for rent in a large city alone, you need 400 Euro net more than someone who lives in a rural area for 400 Euros.

Do you need a car? You want a car?

Usw. usf.

When you get into (deep) debt every month, you need to reduce your spending. “Sometimes” always depends on what you can do.

1 year ago

This always depends on what you define yourself as a “good life”!

1 year ago

Why don’t you figure it out?

What is “good to live” for you?

If you collect the monthly costs together, then you know when you live well.

1 year ago

3999 would have to be.