Wie viel muss man verdienen?

Sagen wir ich habe mir ein Eigenkapital von 50.000€ zusammen gespart und will mir eine Eigentumswohnung für 200.000 EUR kaufen. Wie viel müsste man ungefähr Netto verdienen um einen Kredit für den Kauf von einer Bank zu bekommen?

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2 years ago

prices are changing, but in principle the invoice goes like this:

50K are registered capital, 200K purchase price. First of all, you start from a 60% loan, i.e. €120,000 (the apartment itself) you take as security. Thus, optimum would be €80,000 + purchase costs as own capital. If 80% of the loan value were taken, it would be equal to €40,000 + purchase costs. It could therefore be that the EC is not sufficient or more revenue is then required.

Otherwise, there is a capital service. The mean that after a (just self-willing bill that has nothing to do with reality) after deduction of all (fictative + real) you still have to have enough money left to serve the rates.

The name is (example single/self-reference of the apartment): 800€ Living costs (fictive) + 150€ car + 100€ Insurance + NK for which the apartment (e.g. 200€/month) = 1250€ + 900€ Repayment + interest = 2150€ net. So your salary should be over there. Other monthly costs (e.g. car loan or similar) are of course higher.

In the case of a 60% loan rate and the total guarantee thus missing, there would be interest subsidies and possibly also a higher capital requirement. Speaks of salary should be even higher.

2 years ago

Since real estate loans have become significantly more expensive lately and also the cost of energy, it can no longer be said so easily. What do you care if you can pay the loan, but your other cost of living.

Pay attention to the energy pass of the property, with an ETW there is still a living allowance. It can then happen later that in modernizations money is required by the owners. This is decided by the owners’ meeting. That’s what you should have in mind that in the future, costs could be paid for.

You have to go to the bank and calculate the sober and let you advise, no more goes.

2 years ago

You have to earn the 2,500 net to get well over the rounds.

2 years ago

You have to earn more than you can spend and explain it plausible.

2 years ago
Reply to  steefi

Well, maybe explaining was plausible. You have to fit into the grid, no matter how. Otherwise you have to build constructs to fit into the grid 🙂

2 years ago

Let the bank advise.