Wie viel Milligramm Nikotin sind 5%?
Und wie viel Prozent oder Milligramm sind erlaubt?
Und wie viel Prozent oder Milligramm sind erlaubt?
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% is the American or Chinese indication for nicotine content, in contrast to the standard indication of milligrams per milliliter in Europe.
Since nicotine has a specific density of almost 1 gram (1.01) per milliliter, 5% 50 mg/ml of nicotine – and, as noted here, the upper limit of 20 mg/ml or %
Maximum quantity within the EU is 20mg/ml.
How you want to convert this in percent without specifying a liquid quantity, I’ll be surprised.
No matter how much volume
That’s the nice thing about the percentages and that’s exactly what they’re thinking – that the correct values are absolutely no matter what percentage it’s always the same… So just look for a volume and reckon with 5% it will always be proportional to the same no matter if you start with 1ml or 53826ml
How to convert this into percent without specifying a liquid quantity – it’s not necessary… you just need to know which specifics. density nicotine has.. and this is 1Gramm per cm3 (or milliliter)
Hello Anonym73639
If 50mg/ml is to be called – is correct but bullshit
Are therefore not allowed in DE
So it’s usually never 50mg/ml or what
5% simply does not correspond to 50mg….
The whole substances do not have the same density as water but with exactly this density is calculated… 1g = 1ml
So 0.05g per 10 ml (10g) = 5%
The thing is, however…. 1ml nicotine volume ≠ 1g
Uh… little thinking mistakes 🙂
do not have the same density as water but with exactly this density this is calculated. – Nicotin HAS density 1.01gr/ml. The hot 1gr nicotine takes up 1ml of space, which would be 1000mg/ml or exactly 1010mg/ml for the usual indication of milligrams in milliliters.
– the percentages are not – But… it fits… because it is known that X milligrams are contained in 1 milliliter liquid and it doesn’t matter how much the liquid weighs in that nicotine is dissolved because we know that nicotine weighs almost exactly 1000mg/ml at 100% and we just want to know how much nicotine it is when adding a certain percentage of it to any amount of liquid.
If you are still calculating/considered: 5% nicotine = 0.05ml liquid and since 1ml weighs 1000mg, weigh 0.01ml 10mg and we have 0.05… ergo 0.05*10=50mg/ml
Just a minute to ask if there is less in there – no… The values are given nicotine by weight – but the percentages are not calculated in ml or everything in grams… So if 50mg on it is 50mg in it…
Jz is reckoned nicotine in grams and the rest in ml… The error is due to conversion… One assumes that all the components are water and then calculates it from gramm in ml and here the error happens because just not all the water is…
However, these are minimal deviations of probably still less than 1%
0Oh sry had 3ine comma shift… 10g not 1g so 0.5g per 10ml are 5%
or 0.05 g per 1ml (with 50 mg per ml)
Was counted to 1ml or 1g instead of 10 ♀️ ♀️
In a 20ml bottle are thus 1g nicotine