Wie viel mg THC für einen Erstkonsumenten?

Hallo, ich und ein Kumpel haben vor THC Edibles zu essen die jeweils 25mg haben. Für mich ist das absolut nicht das erste Mal und kann ohne Probleme 50 bis 75mg zu mir nehmen, er jedoch hat keinerlei Erfahrung damit. Daher meine Frage: Könnte er einen ganzen Gummibären zu sich nehmen, oder wäre das auch schon too much?

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8 months ago

Better get in. ~10mg is considered suitable. If it’s not enough after an hour you can still think. To get the THC effect back quickly from an unpleasant trip is not in it.

8 months ago

Good morning SimpleAndClean,

it would be better if your friend who has no experience with THC would start with a lower dose. It is possible that a complete THC-Gummibär with 25 mg is too strong for him and causes unpleasant side effects such as strong psychological effects or nausea. Instead, it should be with a quarter or half rubber bear (6.25 mg or 12.5 mg THC) start. After he can better judge the effects, he can wait for the effect and, if necessary, take more. In this way, it can gradually get used to the effect without being overwhelmed.

Best regards

Dr. Melvin Cognitus, PhD

8 months ago

Beginners should be very careful with Edibles.

The effect usually only comes after 1 to 2 hours and then bangs completely in.

50 mg would be much too much for a beginner and would be quite overwhelming. 25 mg, on the other hand, is a good beginners dose with a relatively predictable effect and a full and intense high.

It is still possible to settle if a stronger effect is desired. Not until after 2 hours. And whoever wants to be safe on number should only follow after about 4 hours, as some Edibles actually need 3 to 4 hours until the full effect begins.