Wie viel Mehrkosten entstehen durch den hohen Spritverbrauch?
Also 1 l Diesel kostet jetzt 2,30 € ich fahre jeden Tag 30 km hin und zurück also 60 km. Wie viel Mehrkosten würden jetzt entstehen im Gegensatz zu den letzten Jahren? Weil Anfang des Jahres hat er diese noch 1,50€ gekostet
Take the average consumption of your car per 100 kilometers, which only you know, and expect it – all other information is available.
You can’t do that yourself? What did you learn at school? That’s the simplest three-rate bill.
You will have to calculate this yourself, because only you know the consumption of your vehicle. This is the great unknown constant in our account.
This is a simple percentage.
Set the old price of 1.50 equal to 100% and expect how much percent it has risen.
Percentage bill? I would have used the good old tributary. He wants to know how much money he pays more and not how much percent the increase over last year.
Take a calculator out, you can easily calculate it yourself. You’re a slut
60 km per day
20 working days per month
80 cents difference
7.5 liter consumption
You already have your result;)
Grob estimated 850-900€ per year or approx. 70-75 € per month
In the end, you save more because you are supposed to be sick for two weeks… In two weeks this is 10 days to 60 kilometers, you drive a total of 600 kilometers less…
After your boss releases you for bluemaking, you will save much more…
80-100€ per month.
Is this a typical task for Class 5 or 6, perhaps Mr Binsehrschlau.
Fourth class is more likely to meet….
probably the FS goes into the 4th. Class…
It’s been so long….
We had in 5 or 6. Class the binary system, that’s the only thing I remember.
I feel more challenging than this.
After he was written ill because of the high injection prices, it makes no sense to ask this question…
That’s stupid.
It’s not kind of provocative.
It’s actually a normal question if you think nobody can math.
My wife could ask me that and that would be very serious about her.
If you read the question before, you actually realize that it’s just a little troll…
If you’re in the 4. You’ll get all the girls!
I know from colleagues who went to the main school mti the car.
Who wants the 14-15-year-old, the 15-year-old from her class who plays Fortnite or the one with the fat old Daimler or BMW?
You will probably know the consumption of your car better than we and the difference of the price per liter should also be feasible.
I lost faith in it.
In the question before, there were 40km…
Everything else is simpler set from the 5th class…
You’re supposed to be very smart right now. Now you can’t even calculate this? Oh, no, I’m gassing, you’ve already asked a question in which you’re supposed to have gotten sick letters for two weeks because of the fuel costs. But this question was deleted.
And your friends the Greens have nothing to do with prices indirectly. By the way, Aunt Luisa Neubauer is still calling for you.
I’d better learn something for school than troll here.
Your name amsehrschlau, does not apply to the question. Students can count on this from class 6.
Your user name doesn’t really match, does it?