Wie viel Liter Motoröl, VW Polo?

Hallo, hoffe mir kann jemand weiter helfen irgendwie finde ich im Handbuch und online nicht wirklich was nützliches. 😂

Wie viel Liter Motoröl braucht mein VW Polo (Baujahr 2019, Benzin, Automatik, 95PS) beim jährlichen Wechsel?

Danke 😄

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2 years ago

ne Minute in Internet used

Volkswagen (VW) (EU) Polo VI, AW / AE1 (2017- ) Polo VI 1.0 MPI (55 kW) | Recommendation for engine oil and other liquids | Castrol

In addition, this is included in the manual and sometimes also in the Servicebook

2 years ago
Reply to  MichaelSAL74

Thank you for the feedback. I’d say I’m a classic women’s problem. Haha

2 years ago

Hmmm NÖ gives enough men who do not know where to look or are simply too lazy

2 years ago

Gasoline of this series idR about 4 liters. However, the exact amount should be in the manual.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jel82

Thanks for the feedback. 😄 Manual is generally somewhat complicated for a young woman who has no idea, designed hahaha. Since this has always several possibilities, it was happy that I even knew if my car has a particle filter 😂

2 years ago

Up to the marker on the pin. In any case, less than one canister, and it depends on whether you also change the filter.

2 years ago

For this, cars have something like a hypermodern oil gauge!

Depending on the capacity, usually 3-6 liters!