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In my school age (8-11 grade) I drank 1-2 doses daily. In the meantime, I only buy one if they are on offer and then it is usually just one.
Hey, I sometimes drink 250-500ml a day, it depends on how long the day is. Previously, it was much more, also other soft drinks, but it could regulate well over the years, now has a good mix of plenty of water and some energy, that was.
Hello Yayay444, 👋
😳 What? How many liters? 😂
Okay, I can tell you that.
I really drink exactly daily:
O,000000000000000 Liter…😅
I don’t know why I’m so
to put in an unhealthy stuff….
LG 🙋🏻
Do not drink more than two Redbulls a day. Normally always “just” one in the morning. However, there is still coffee or Cola zero.
0 liters per day. I’ll drink a cola every couple of weeks, but I don’t like energy drinks.
I drink 0 liters of energy drinks daily. To date, I’ve been drinking 0 liters of energy drinks throughout my entire life and that’s what I want to keep.
LG Zitro 🍋
Not even a milliliter than this sugar scary is just a stupid advertising hype and only because children and young people, because they fall in on every advertising sense, go to the corporations as much on the glue, I don’t have to do that, do I?
So energy drinks are just hype
My “energy drink” is coffee, strong, black and without sugar and at least two large cups thereof.
The energy drinks you probably mean are 0.00 ml. I have never tried and I will not
Nothing, I don’t consume the garbage.
LG Show1Runner
I don’t like this, in front of the sweet taste.
garkeine. Unless you count tea as energy drinks. – I drink over 3 liters of tea every day.
I only drink once a week 330 and 500ml
Nothing and I live over 40 years very well without \./
Zero Liter. I don’t like energy drinks.
0 liters per day, per week, per month or even per year.
0 liter I don’t like energy drinks
Zero. It’s garbage. I’m not.
Daily two to 4 coffees
no single liter
0 litres
I don’t drink anything like that. And you shouldn’t drink it literally.
You waste your life
You shorten your life
0 milliliters