How much land area does livestock farming take up?
According to various sources, livestock farming accounts for around 80% of global agricultural land. This accounts for 18% of all food calories. However, this figure seems too rough for me. It raises a few questions.
- What about fish? There are fish ponds on land and in the sea. How are they counted?
- Pharmaceutical companies have to produce medicines for animals. Does this include the areas used for cultivation?
- A large portion of nutritional supplements goes to the animal industry, for example, B12, E, K, calcium, and selenium. Does that also take up space? How much? Is that included in the 80%?
I'd be happy if you could help me with this. This question isn't about vegan/vegetarian biking!
“Agricultural area” is not the same everywhere. If goats graze in the African steppe or sheep on the North German dikes, this is the only food production doe there works. You can’t count it against others.
The problems of animal medicaments are not in area consumption