Wie viel kostet für 2 Katzen?
Ich möchte 2 Katzen adoptieren, aber in Zukunft wird vielleicht schwer, wie viel muss ich Geld haben bevor ich 2 Katzen adoptieren?
Also immer wen ich meinen Katzen essen gebe nass Futter tue ich es in zwei Schüssel rein jede Katze kriegt eine.Doch wen die essen essen die nur von einer Schüssel zusammen. Wie kriege ich hin das die beiden aus ihre eigene Schüssel essen? Ich trage immer die andere von dem Napf weg und anders herum…
Hallo, meine Katze ist jetzt 12 und hat seid ungefähr 5-6 Monaten diesen schwarzen erhabenen “punkt” über ihrem linken Auge. (siehe bild) . Ich habe das Gefühl er wird größer und dunkler… Ich habe meine eltern schon so oft gebeten, das wir mit ihr zum Tierarzt fahren aber meine Eltern machen nichts.. ich habe einfach…
Z.b. als 2-malige Gabe am Tag und nur hochwertiges und als Kitten-Version, mit mehr/gehaltvollerer Nährstoffzusammensetzung oder geht davon die Milch weg, weil TroFu austrocknet? Oder geht es, wenn die säugende Kätzin dazu viel trinkt?
Sagen wir ich will jemanden treffen in Würzburg. Ich fahr von Wien ab. Was würd ich zahlen? Mit ICE natürlich. Gibts keine billigere Möglichkeit als 100€
Hallo, meine Katze hat seit Neuestem Probleme mit den Nieren. Wegen der Schmerzen hat der Tierarzt Novalgin Tropfen verschrieben, die man ihr in den Mund verabreichen soll. Das klappt nur leider überhaupt nicht. Sie wehrt sich massiv, man muss sie derart am Nacken packen um ihr dieses Mittel zu verabreichen. Danach ist sie auch erstmal…
Habe heute früh festgestellt dass mein schülerticket weg ist. Hab schon alles abgesucht aber find es nicht. Ich denke ich werde ein neues ticket beantragen müssen. Bekomme ich für die Zeit bis das neue Ticket fertig ist vom busunternehmen eine art ticket? Oder muss ich die zeit bis das neue da ist jeden tag selbst…
So we spend between EUR 120-180 for our two fur noses for feed and spread, depending on whether the feed is on offer or not exactly whether they have the 400g, cans in the corresponding varieties, or only the small ones, but that only affects feed and spread costs.
Then, of course, there are the medical costs, i.e. castration, inoculation, chippen and of course everything you can’t plan.
One of my cats gets a tooth surgery, since the corner tooth has broken off, the dentist also turned out that it probably still has FORL, that is, it will get many tooth extractions in life and already the corner tooth costs with everything around it and up to 700 euros, in addition, there is a cardiac search for the cardiologist, which also costs 300 euros.
Therefore, we pay a minimum of EUR 1000 and that even if not other teeth need to be removed, it is clear with the X-ray.
With such spontaneouss and high costs it is necessary to reckon that the animals become sick, can have accidents, a serious emergency can also blow up the four-digit area and as animal owners it is necessary to be able to manage such sums.
Then, of course, the one-off costs twice depending on the object. Cats themselves, scratching tree, bowls, toilets etc.
You should be able to min. 1500Euro to be able to pay spontaneously, but should keep in mind that something can get on top of it, for example by post-treatments or the animal needs medication throughout.
So, so to speak, keep 1500 euros for future for veterinarians?
Minimum, if you have this sum as an emergency reserve, in the ideal case you always place a monthly fee to the side that the amount naturally increases, you do not need it after the cat you have a nice carry on hand, but a medical emergency or disease can also go quickly to the wallet, which is why you have to expect to spend money for the cat again and again, at the latest at the age.
Even today, an OP-insurance includes the dental treatments quite sensually (considerably the surgery also includes only surgery, i.e. if cut, which do not take on an ultrasound in the cardiologist, for example)
A leg fracture can be the 1000€ crack, then there are still aftertreatments and some more.)
In today’s time I would always recommend sick and Op Insurance 30-60€ per animal depending on where insured
If you don’t have to do surgery or health insurance, depending on the case, it can be useful.
Of course, it can be that you have luck and the cat may have limited woes in their lives, but that you can’t say and an emergency at the weekend is just fucking expensive or the cat gets, for example, FORL as with mine, that in life will still be some sums of costs.
At normal times, most veterinarians calculate according to 2 times GOT, but can also take the 3-fold sentences. The emergency veterinarian, i.e. nights, holidays and weekends also take the 4-fold sentence that are quite differences.
Money must never be a topic for pet keeping, unfortunately you don’t see that the holders have a sick animal, but don’t have money. Well, the animal needs medical treatment, there is no way out and accidents and diseases. do not plan.
Also, the animal allergies or incompatibility can develop in old and needs special food, pets primarily cost money, no matter how dear you have, love does not replace the money you need.
My old cat had an emergency surgery on the weekend and that at that time already cost 700 euros because he had swallowed a foreign body and that was before the price increase, today an OP would certainly crack the 1000 euros.
I’m afraid because I don’t deserve much, and maybe you don’t have money when you get more and more expensive. I would ask if animal sick insurance is needed?
We have an OP appointment tomorrow for our hangover….. prestige cost for it according to the doctor “so between 600 and 800 euros, depending on how extensive it will be”.
So, just for such situations – which can suddenly arise with every pet – one should get used to packing a fixed amount aside each month.
As a rule, you have to count on one-time purchase costs of dingen like cat toilet, bowls, toys, scratching tree. Depending on what you’re buying, it’s not a problem. Scratch is of course more expensive, but it doesn’t have to be an expensive brand, we have bought a big one from Feranda (or so) that was 100€, has everything our two need and the platforms are also big enough, not only for small cats.
Then, of course, the costs for first vaccinations, castrations and possibly chipping. We had about 50€ per vaccination. Kastration at Kater so 90-100€ and at the cat 150€. We’re not chipped, but it won’t cost much.
If you want to adopt at the shelter, you will probably have a fee of €200 per animal. At the breeder buy a cat, of course more expensive, depending on that.
Current costs then mainly apply to feed and cat litter. Feed, it depends on what you buy and how to feed them. We buy dry food for 50€ per 10 kg, which already holds a past, on the Internet (zooplus) of course. In the store is more expensive. I order wet food too. It’s crucial how much dry food and wet food you feed and what you buy for brands. Cat litter needs every 2 weeks to put, it doesn’t cost much.
Otherwise, you should leave monthly money because veterinarian costs can occur at any time spotan. Is like people with us, can also get sick or hurt. With a lot of luck, it can be expensive. But in general, you should always create a healthy upholstery in your account.
Hallo Du,
Adoptionskosten für Katzen aus dem Tierschutz, wenn sie grundimmunisiert, parasitenfrei, gechipt und kastriert sind belaufen sich als Schutzgebühr pro Katze auf bis zu 275€.
Hier Beispiele für grundlegenden Erstanschaffungen, die du für zwei Katzen benötigst, zusammen mit ungefähren Kostenangaben + 1 Monat Fütterung und Katzenstreu:
1. Katzentoiletten (2 Stück)
– Kosten: 20-50 € pro Stück
Gesamt: 40-100 €
Pro Katze eine Toilette plus eine zusätzliche, um sicherzustellen, dass beide genug Platz haben
2. Katzenschaufel
– Kosten: 5-10 €
Gesamt: 5-10 €
3. Katzenstreu
– Kosten: 10-20 € pro Monat (abhängig von der Qualität)
Gesamt: 20-40 €
4. Futternäpfe (4 Stück: 2 für Wasser, 2 für Futter)
– Kosten: 5-15 € pro Stück
Gesamt: 20-60 €
5. Katzenfutter (Trockenfutter und/oder Nassfutter)
– Kosten: 50 -100 € pro Monat (hochwertiges Futter für 2 Katzen)
Gesamt: 50 – 100 €
6. Katzenbett oder Decke
– Kosten: 10-50 €
Gesamt: 10-50 €
7. Kratzbaum oder Kratzbrett
– Kosten: 30-100 € (abhängig von der Größe und Qualität)
Gesamt: 30-100 €
8. Transportboxen (2 Stück)
– Kosten: 20-50 € pro Stück
Gesamt: 40-100 €
9. Spielzeug
– Kosten: 10-30 €
Gesamt: 10-30 € (oder deutlich mehr, je nach Spielzeug)
10. Katzengras (optional, aber empfohlen)
– Kosten: 5-10 €
Gesamt: 5-10 €
Zusätzliche Kosten
Erste Tierarztbesuche (Impfungen, Mikrochip, Check-up, wenn noch nicht vorhanden)
– Kosten: 50-150 € pro Katze
Gesamt: 100-300 €
Minimale Gesamtkosten: 330 €
Maximale Gesamtkosten: 900 €
Zuzüglich der Schutzgebühren von insgesamt 550€.
beste Grüße 🙋♀️ +😺 +😺
What about two water cups?
And I have never understood the principle of 2 cat toilets. We only have one, and I also don’t know anyone who has several, and it works without any problem. Are we all just happy?😅
We also have several bowls for food and water at home. Then a feed bowl/water bowl can wait to be washed off or in the dishwasher – while the cats can still drink and eat as usual.
And if you have more than one cat at home, several graded feed bowls/water bowls are practical – this results in less fight at the feed site.
Cat toilets: When we had two more cats, they also basically shared a cat cloister. Although we have several cat toilets. In the end, you have to look at how much space you have to place cat toilets. And it also comes to the cats themselves. Some like to separate liquid from solid, some cat is completely snug.
Because I’m just a little tired and I just have to type something lazy, I just let ChatGPT write it. I agree with the content 100%, otherwise I would not quote:
I have a XXL KaKlo open in the bathroom without a hood and a smaller one with a hood in the cat room. Both are reused. One of my cats, Mishu, often goes into one of his feces and into the other his urine.
Cats are 1. drink pulp and 2. it serves to animate to drink. For example, I have a total of 3 cat fountains in 3 different rooms + a water bowl on the balcony. So, except in the bathroom, there is water everywhere, which is also used and my boys drink enough. Adult cats have a fluid requirement/day of up to (depending on body weight) over 400ml/day. For pure and sufficient wet feeding, 70-80% are covered. I’ll give you this for your cats.
Rhetorical question, I suppose. 😉
How do you make 50-100€ high quality food? I have already kitten pure food at 100-150€
I didn’t want to scare the FS too much! But with Animonda Carny Adult 800 grams cans you can easily get there for 2 cats.
Yeah, it was a sort that she’s wearing normally, so nix new ones or something. And as far as I know, I had tried a little longer. But our cat, as I said, is generally also susceptible, in the case of smallest food changes (and apparently also in stress), it is constantly breaking. We also now buy happycat as dry food because we need the xl croquettes because they seem to be not sufficiently chewed and constantly vomiting with all the smaller ones. It’s really difficult, it wasn’t like that at first. And she’s generally merciful with everything she doesn’t know. Luckily, the hangover ensures that they usually try.
You need to remember that almost all wet foods are provided with binders. Thus, it is not the wet food per se that can produce the diarrhea, but a certain variety of a manufacturer. In addition, many cats react in the case of feed conversion with a paste-like pick-off, which usually regulates 2-3 days afterwards.
More wet food could also lead to problems with ours. When I tried that at the time, the cat reacted with diarrhea and the cat, is anyway a small problem with food and co. At first, she didn’t want any wet food.
Look if you can optimize the liquid absorption through…. no ahung, there are many possibilities: another type of water bowl (material, size, depth), drinking wells, water bowls at a different height (our cat has now some problems with too deep on the ground, so at a fress cup online bought a kind of wooden table for dogs of medium size, now he can sit upright). I must encourage my hangover to drink again and again.
This is, of course, terrible when she loved it so much, but didn’t get it.
Well, we change the water daily. Our food is mainly dry. Accordingly, it is important to me that they also take liquid.
Yeah, that’s what happened to us. Toilet is in the bathroom and elsewhere, I think it’s terrible. In the beginning we had one in the bedroom, but since our cats like to make so long, we left it again, no one stops. But the one is just enough for ours.
I’m very happy with one:
Our cat has basically ignored cat’s milk, butter, any further processed milk in his 14 years of life.
His sister has loved her life any further processing of milk and also cat’s milk. There was only a very big problem: as soon as she also took a little bit of it (so whether any milk, some cat’s milk, some sort of further processing) she was bad (slope in the corner, belly cramps, handed over, diarrhea).
Our two got/ get as a drink only normal tap water. Every day the water tap is exchanged for a clean water tap with fresh tap water (now only one since we only have the cat). Drinking has always been good so far. They also looked at the excretion products. Liquid is also absorbed via the dampening feed, so that it is not quite as tragic when less additional liquid is drunk. In the case of pure dry feed, however, this would have to be very balanced by additional liquid.
PS: to the cat toilets: We parked 2 exactly next to each other in the EC bathroom under the sink. Otherwise there’s no place at home, or you don’t want to get over it. Some people put something like this in the living room or bedroom or in the kitchen – that would be nothing for me.
Okay, but if they were drinking, would you give it? I’m thinking about trying some, once a week should be okay.
That looks interesting, too, and how many times do you give that? Miamor gets them in general as wet food and also leaks with us.
You may call me DaLi! Mishu is my one cat, an American Curl. Leo is my other cat, an EHK.
Then we seem to be really lucky with all our cats, with their one toilet. Clearly the space question is also important, in a 2 room apartment as with us, more than a toilet also seems somewhat strange, otherwise of course if you have a house, best with two floors, 2 bathrooms etc. I’d have more than one.
There are several cups in it, too. It’s because you separate dry and wet food. But our eating/drinking keep together without any problems. But as I said to Mishu, I’ll probably put more water. Because the cats really have a funny drinking behavior. Some days really a lot and some, I always doubt if they drank at all and then I’ll take care of myself.
I had bought and offered cat milk from various suppliers sometime. Not one of them was drunk.
My Leo likes to drink Miamor drinking fine. 🙂
I have another question about you. Do you give your cats milk or general, what do you think about it?
Look at this answer from me:
Then I also check this brand because I am about 3-5€ per cat / day dry food I don’t even reckon
I’m sorry, I’m really tired, otherwise I’d write on with you. See you soon.
Okay, I’m gonna change this and offer more drinking.
My cats use all the drinking options.
As a holder, I see myself obliged to ensure that the cats can feed optimally, which also includes having the drinking amount in sight every day.
Yeah, I’ve read it. But I could never see any corresponding behavior or problem. Neither with us, nor with others. It irritates me.
Okay, and you mean your drinking folly will be better?
No, the question was actually meant seriously. Is like to separate the principle of food and water, although I have read what it is supposed to be theoretical, but in reality, it simply does not interest the cats at all.
You need VIEL money, the food alone is expensive. But if you only bend cheap Frass like Whiskas or Felix come out but your cat has bad luck and has to eat it unfortunately. Animals also costly. Especially when they are older, my old one has got Forl – 350€! Paid to the veterinarian.
Cat clo, cats streu, accessories etc. You have to know if you have the money.
I pay monthly fix nen 100 already for food🤣 but also buy the expensive with a lot of meat. Then comes cat litter, is actually relatively cheap I think? But it must be bought every 2 weeks. Scratch can also make a rough sum, but my 300€ is relatively good and big. And always have something on the side is fine, otherwise look stupid if the veterinarian makes you an expensive bill. Unfortunately very expensive
Cats can’t be adopted. People also don’t hold cats, cats have people. Feed and spread keep within the frame, it becomes expensive when a veterinarian visit becomes due.
Much every month fic 200-300 Euro.
Then the emergency groschen for the TA of 2000 Euro
Currently we pay average for three cats almost nen 1000