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1 year ago

Per hour or a month at an hour per week? And do you mean an hour or a course?

Here in the city:

Uni: 30 – 35 Euro per semester and course at 12 dates -> 2,50 – 3Euro for 90min each

Association: 30 Euro/month for free course selection (at least presumed) currently depending on level and age for adults 2-5 courses per week -> 1.5 – approx 3.70 Euro for 90min

privately between 45 (children’s courses over 45min) to 70 (adult 1 course per week -> ca 11 or 17,50 for 45min or 90min

Flatrate (so offered) 150-200Euro/month for free course selection, depending on school and duration of the contract. Course offers depending on school up to several courses per day

Individual courses without contract 15-20Euro depending on school

Private lessons: 50 Euro/60min and up

1 year ago

Of course depends on where and how many participate.

A trainer lesson of about 45 minutes costs about 50 euros in the Vienna area.

Or there are group lessons, then you are already with 10 euros a week. Of course there is no Prima Ballerina in front.

You can also go to a “Star”. The hour then costs 200 euros.

10 months ago

But I’ll be under contract with a school soon and then it’ll be cheaper and I’ll make it professional

1 year ago

Professional training is really expensive 🥲

1 year ago

Wow! Real different results!