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In principle: Nothing. If a “Verlag” service provider would be the better term here, you say, “It costs 5000,6000 euros to publish your book, you know, “Finger away, this is not serious.”
Publishing comes from the word “located” or “predict.” Says: The publisher takes a certain risk with your book.
On the other hand you also have the path of self-publishing. Here you need a cover that costs money. If you still have enough left, there is also something for the correctorate or even the editorate – also these are quite pretty slums, which must bear 100% when publishing a publisher.
This is very individual. Depends very strongly on whether you are self-publishing or have a publisher. If you have a publisher, it will cost you a lot.
For example, this Youtuberin has spent a total of 3,350 € for her first novel.
As soon as a publisher asks for something, this is a more insane one to keep a distance from.
If you want to publish your book yourself, you have to do something. Marketing, editorate, printing costs and what does not happen. That varies.
The publication in a reputable publishing house does not cost you a cent, at least the postage for any analogue correspondence. However, if you publish in the self-publishment, costs are of course indispensable.
If you publish a PoD service provider, you can expect costs from € 20,– to € 100,–. In addition, costs for advertising and co. are of course incurred – because you have to take care of it yourself.
If you want to publish yourself completely, for the assignment of a ISBN, the entry in the VLB and the delivery of mandatory copies about €150,– already apply. Of course, the advertising costs, shipping costs and the costs for the printing that you would have to take on yourself in this case. It should also be pointed out that while writing is a free profession to distribute books but not. You’d have to register a business accordingly.
It depends on the way…
This depends on whether you are publishing at a publisher or self-publishing, who takes the sentence and design and whether you want to calculate your own writing time. Everything is possible between happy 0€ at the publisher, 50€ in self-publishing and 5-digit amounts.
What self-publisher is that with the 50 euros total cost? MfG
If you make the sentence yourself and publish at Amazon KDP you should be able to get away with any license costs at the price. How professional this then remains open. 🙂 For entry but surely i. O.
Thank you. 🎈
It depends on so much.
If you print 1000, you have to pay the 1000.
Then you have 1000 books, but no pig knows.
Then you have to advertise.