Wie viel kostet es circa einen Audi A5 zu tunen?
Ich werde mir einen Audi A5 mit sportback kaufen und habe vor ein bisschen was am Sound machen zu lassen, mein Budget hält sich aber in Grenzen. Wir viel würde es den circa kosten einen einigermaßen guten Sound zu bekommen und was muss ich dafür kaufen und machen lassen.
Danke im voraus für die Antworten!
This depends mainly on the engine, where tdie TFSI and FSI really don’t listen well!
If your budget is too small
Forget it. Many 1000 euros.
Depends on how much you’re wearing on your cist. If you are more interested in performance, the a5 is not worth it.
ne, I’m just interested in sound
If you focus on good sound, it is also best to improve performance. I’m bored if it doesn’t have power, but it’s loud
Okay, what would you say is the budget for it.
So once only good sound and once good sound with performance enhancement
Okay, what would you say is the budget for it.
So once only good sound and once good sound with performance enhancement
€0.50 to €50k is all in it.
Male A8 on the back, the budget keeps itself within limits. If you want to invert more, just take the 5 away and paint MG behind the A…