Wie viel könnte ich so grob verdienen mit Qualifikation und Weiterbildung in der Pflege?

Wie viel könnte man so grob verdienen, wenn ich nach meiner Pflegefachmann-Ausbildung Weiterbildungen mache? Natürlich kann man keine genauen angaben machen, aber man kann ja schon mal anhand des Marktes einschätzen.

Ich würde, folgendes machen:

  • Hygienebeauftrager
  • Wundexperte
  • Praxisanleiter
  • WBL
  • PDL (eventuell dies auch über ein Pflegemanagment-Studium)

Mein Grhalr nach der Ausbildung wäre so bei 3600€ Brutto, ca. 2400-2600 Netto, je nach Schichtzulage etc.

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9 months ago

With a nurse training and subsequent training, you can significantly increase your salary. Here are some potential merit opportunities according to various training courses:

1.Hygiene officer: After this training, you can earn between 3,500 and 4,200 euros gross per month, depending on the federal state and institution.

Two.Wund expert: As a wound expert, the average salary is between 3,500 and 4,200 euros gross per month. In Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg you can even earn up to 4,200 euros monthly .

3.Head of Practice: Practice managers earn average between 3,000 and 4,000 euros gross monthly. The highest salaries are paid in southern Germany, where the annual salary can be up to 45,600 euros.

4.Head of Housing (WBL): This position brings an average salary of about 3,800 to 4,500 euros gross per month. The exact height depends heavily on the region and the size of the facility.

Five.Head of Care (PDL): Nursing service managers can expect a salary of between 4,000 and 6,000 euros gross per month. Remuneration can be further increased through further training and additional qualifications.

In addition to these further trainings, a study in nursing management can further increase the salary. Such courses prepare for senior positions and offer an even higher income perspective. Your current gross salary after the training of 3,600 euros could be significantly increased by these further trainings and additional qualifications, depending on the exact position and the state in which you are active.