Wie viel Kalorien verbrennt 1 Stunde Krafttraining?
Um ordentlich abzuspecken mache ich Kraft und Ausdauertraining über den Tag verteilt, jeweils 15 Minuten vor dem Essen und achte auch mittlerweile sehr stark auf meine Ernährung. Wie viel Kalorien sind das über den Tag verteilt?
You need to take 3 steps to lose weight.
1. You have to bring your liver back to the fore. Only when the liver works properly again can your metabolism increase. You don’t have to do a rough detox. Just for the most part give up fast food. In combination with sport, your visceral fat goes back significantly. But mainly this first step is important to direct your metabolism in a basic direction for weight loss.
2. Sports. The previous speaker said that sport is rather marginal. This is in fact wrong, sport is more important, the diet goes along the way. After you have put a good base through the liver, you need to make sure your calorie consumption increases significantly. 15 minutes are too little. You go to Fittnessstudio three times a week. Each unit is 2 to 3 hours. 40 minutes treadmill and the rest strength training. In each unit a little more weight. Go every time to the borders and beyond. Attack your fat cells sustainably. Don’t think about losing weight. Make it a self-skier and have fun at sport. In 2 to 3 hours of Fittnessstudio, you burn 1,000 to 1,500 calories at full intensity and by the afterburning effect over night you are at the end easy at 1,700 to 1,800 calories. By building muscle, you are increasing consumption more and more. Pick up your headphones and pull through, don’t think about it. Just do it. Decrease is a sustainable theme over several years. Take a break of 1 minute between the sports units. It must be oxygen to your muscles. This is important for muscle build-up and removal. Otherwise everything is for free.
3. Yes, you need to reach a calorie deficit. But you shouldn’t overdo it. Finger away from diets and radical diets. Renounce fast food and make mixed meals. Step 1 make a protein-containing food on the plate, step 2 vegetables and then step 3 any supplemental product. Meat can always do it. Chicken’s okay, but you’re gonna be on pork. You need to learn how much you can eat from what product. Eat yourself, but with a food of mixed food types. No one-sided diet. Not only fast food, nor only vegetables. Fat and sugar is also important. If you’re short of fast food, you’re already consuming your calorie intake. You get a calorie deficit in which you increase calorie consumption in parallel. The higher it rises, the more relaxed it is to get into a calorie deficit. By the way, fish is always a good supplemental product. You don’t have to miss out on corn flakes or bread. I got used to that. In the morning bread or cornflakes, lunch a banana or Vegetables and in the evening a proper food on mixed products. Quite often a candy on one or the other day, depending on how you are on it. Drink plenty of water. Turn your mind on nutrition. Don’t make food a luxury thing to think about how good it tastes. Make the food necessary. Just eat what su needs, no more. Don’t think about such taste topics anymore. Don’t think about that anymore. Look for a job and make it a self-tracker. Don’t get weak. This alone helps with a sustainable strategy.
4. Now I’m talking about losing weight. We need to differentiate between weight loss and fat loss. Losing weight means that you want to reduce fat, water and muscle mass to drastically reduce your weight. When you reduce fat, you only want to reduce fat and build muscle mass. You are aware that your weight can rise again by muscle mass. So buy a whole body scale that can analyze fat mass, etc. You should only be guided by weight until 100KG. From below, you should change your strategy to reduce fat content.
These are my tips.
Do not worry about how much you take off through the training, this is just a bonus, the important lever is the limited calorie intake. More than 15-20% of the daily requirement you probably don’t get out over 1 h training and then it must be exhausting. Clearly it burns energy, but just overtaking is a laborious business (more than 50 g fat per day are unlikely).
Training is still good because it stimulates muscle build-up (or largely prevents degradation in the strong deficit) and thus increases basic sales in the long term and because it increases overall performance, i.e. increases with the time of sales per sports unit because you can afford more.
In the best case, so if you are really struggling, you can burn 600 kcal per hour in the relatively untrained state. If you are fitter, in particular with endurance training you also have 1000 kcal. In strength training, the turnover is normally lower, because one has high peak loads, but also makes breaks again and again. I’d just expect 400-500 kcal/h if you go well.