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Probably over 2000. I don’t care. They were fat carvings.
Certainly, the dumpling with plum filling, poppy and a lot of vanilla pudding was my most calorie-containing meal. I’ve eaten a thick, barn dumple and a lot of vanilla pudding, in the evening I only managed half of it.
Calories are certainly so high that all day needs are covered.
It was so delicious.
Hm, good question… Something with bacon or a fat roast, a burger or…
I can’t say the exact calories and what exactly it was I don’t know.
In my life, I’ve eaten a lot of dirt, especially in my youth as not every crap. xD
These were definitely breads with freshly roasted grapes, garlic and salt. They tasted delicious and I ate too many of them. How many calories that were? I don’t know, but I don’t know.
What are the grieves?
In Austria, they are called grams. This is raw fat from pig cut into fine cubes and fried until they are crispy gold brown. These are the grieves. Freshly roast on black bread thick with garlic and some salt.
fried bacon.
That sounds great.
From the lips to the hips.
I sometimes enjoy remoulade on the cheese bread.
No one to say 🤫
Yes, unfortunately, I am now fat carrier 🙈
Oh, okay.
Fat is yes Taste Carrier xD
Oh, yeah.
Oh, okay. That sounds crispy ^^
Probably a pizza.😅 I am a person who feeds very healthy but actually with pizza, I like them in a very unhealthy way. 😂😂
You nasty boy
Not my guilt that makes me a pizza with very thick soil, cheese edge and also has incredibly much cheese just tastes better.😓🤣
Don’t have a bad conscience.
Soulfood must also be time.
I don’t care, I eat ’cause I like it!
Everything else would be bullshit
I don’t know I don’t care about calories anymore
Just the feeling of saturation?
Thank you.
Thank you very much
Nice evening 🤗
Yes Me too
I’m very happy. This is a very healthy attitude.
Yes, but so much
Now I don’t think that eating is bad, that gives me the energy to make the things I want
Oh, I see.
Are you currently satisfied with your weight?
Yes I do not want to be underweight again
You’re just looking for a sense of saturation and not for the calories, are you?
I don’t know how to count calories