Wie viel Kaffee trinkt ihr täglich?
Hallo, ich habe kürzlich festgestellt, dass ich bis zu 7 Tassen Kaffee am Tag trinke. Ist das noch gesund? Kann das negative Auswirkungen auf meinen Körper und meine Gesundheit haben? Könnte es sein, dass ich eine Kaffeesucht habe?
Maximum 1 times in 2 weeks
I limit myself to two cups.
Maximum 2.
Four cups.
1-2 liters
Actually, I drink quite little coffee. Ma Tomorrow after getting up a large cup and then before the morning during work.
It used to be different. drink at least 4 cups (each 1⁄4liter) over the day.
1 cup in the morning.
The 2nd rare. When I’m funny
7 I find not good for the heart
I don’t drink coffee. Make your teeth yellow and I don’t want to.
Your consumption is no longer healthy, it can have negative effects and no addiction is excluded.
TheDragonflight 😊
2 tas about
7 is a lot. so 4-5 should be the maximum if you are well tolerated
but it is not said that 7 are automatically bad. Every body is different
I drink so much daily.
Didn’t know what was supposed to be harmful.
Two cups of morning.