Wie viel Jahre früher Wechseljahre, wenn schlechte Lebensgwohnheiten?

Raucherin/ hoher Alkoholkonsum/ kein Sport und extrem stark traumatisiert/ psychisch belastet (Trost in Alkohol/ kein Selbstwert/ abhängige Persönlichkeit)? Kann diese Frau früher in Wechseljahre kommen?

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6 months ago

My girlfriend has been in the changing years with many bad habits at the beginning of 30. She didn’t smoke. I’ve let it crash in my youth, not anymore. I’m 47, feeling like 27 and feeling very far away from my years of change. With good living habits, if you want to say so – everyone decides for themselves. Since I believe that everything is energy, my cell environment and cell food is very important to me. This is what you can see 🙂

6 months ago

They say that the more puberty enters, the more the change years. However, as they can move up to 20 years, there is absolutely no reliable pay.

When do they start? When the period comes late for the first time? That can always happen. At the first heat wave? Sometimes you don’t register them…..And when the end is, you can only find them in the after.

It is also not known that alcohol and smoking affect hormone production. It always does, makes the cycle irregular.

6 months ago

That can be quite.

With us nearby one always worked in the pub of her brother, and allegedly she had her period with 45 for the last time. And she had drunk, smoked anyway, the job with her brother was quite practical for her.

6 months ago

One has nothing to do with the other.

6 months ago

Since the years of change use individually, a resilient statement cannot be made.