Wie viel ist diese Münze wert (2 Euro Gedenkausgabe)?

Hey, ich habe mir letztes Jahr diese Münze vorbestellt und seit Januar 2023 liegt sie bei mir Zuhause.

Jetzt wollte ich mal nachsehen wie viel sie inzwischen Wert ist, aber ich finde nichts dazu.

Allerdings weiß ich von der MDM Seite, dass die Münze ausverkauft ist. (8.000 Exemplare)

Mich würde es freuen, wenn mir jemand weiterhelfen kann.

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1 year ago

It’s this year. They still have to buy.

So it’s worth less than what I’m repaying from a renowned dealer.

Why should I pay you the same? Then I can buy them directly.

1 year ago

Oh, MDM. The sale likes such scrap coins as “exclusive expenses” and ran out an absurd price for it. The certificate is not worth the paper on which it is printed. You have a coin here that might not even be worth the 2€ on it. Because: gilding is unofficial and illegal! Any (mutual) change in price coins has the result that they are devalued!

1 year ago
Reply to  NoLies

Is “authorized” now the new “Illegal”?

https://www.muenze-deutschland.de/muenz-wissen/glossar/ Begriff/vergoldete-muenzen

1 year ago

It’s worthless.

This is not an official issue.

Because the change of course coins in every form has its devaluation to follow.

What did they cost? Probably 5 €?

She’s got the scrap value.

1 year ago

Commemorative coins have no value and watch what you buy from MDM. My father had bought a whole collection for a lot of money as an investment and a lot of money lost

1 year ago

These commemorative expenditures are sold in far too high quantities than they would have a collector’s value.

The gold value is NULL.

1 year ago

Depends on how many of them were made. If there’s more than 100k, it’s not even worth 20 years. Unless the euro crashes and any mint freaks out at something like that, then pay for it.

Until then, you’ll keep dusting.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fukemall

That’s the question. 8000 pieces.

1 year ago

No, there are more than 30 million pieces from the coin. The gold plating is unofficial and Illegal and therefore the coin is no longer worth 2€ above.

1 year ago

Here you gosowaited for my sources and then no longer comes a comment on the link of “Münze Deutschland”?

Where it’s supposed to be hard to admit that you were wrong?

Well. Present. 🤷

1 year ago

Yes, MDM likes and often. It’s known.

“Art. 3 No one is obliged to accept or exchange euro coins and euro coins of German origin which are perforated, distorted or otherwise altered by ordinary circulation. The Deutsche Bundesbank has to refuse the refund of euro coins which are not suitable for circulation and which have either been modified in a way that could be expected to change …

Article 2 December 2010 for the authenticity test of euro coins and for the treatment of euro coins which are not suitable for circulation (OJ L 339, 22.12.2010, p. 1).

Contrary to Article 3(2), a euro coin of the Deutsche Bundesbank mentioned therein is not transmitted or not transmitted in good time” https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/m_nzg_2002/BJNR240230999.html

This Official Journal is also helpful in this respect, because Article 3(2) speaks of this, where this mutandis change is also a question: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/TXT/PDF/?uri=OJ:L:2010:339:FULL&from=EN

Now I’m waiting for your sources. On Argumentum ad Hominem, however, in the future, please. Thank you. This does not contribute to the cause, because what counts are the facts;-)

1 year ago

That’s right. Someone once threw 8000 gilded illegal commemorative coins on the market and gets through it. Because “invalid” and “illegal” is exactly the same.

Jesus Christ, why for heaven’s sake do I speak to you? 🙄

1 year ago

That’s it. See Coin Law. Every mutant change has the consequence that the coin becomes invalid.

And everyone can gild such a coin. The edition is and remains 30 million. No matter if someone is now gilded, smiley paints on it or otherwise somehow mutantly changes.

1 year ago

Unofficial. Yeah, it’s right. And illegal. Sure. 🤪

But there are not 30 million “unofficially” gold-plated, but 8000.

That’s what it was about, if you’ve lost it. To the “unofficial” gilded.

1 year ago

In half a year, they can’t have won value.

1 year ago

Something like that can not have gained value in 100 years, as it is basically a devalued 2€ coin.


1 year ago

Whatever you’ve always “devalued” with yours. Like nobody would give you 2 euros. Or 5.No legal tender. Value is one thing anyway what one pays for it. And the nominal value should still be in it.

1 year ago

Like I said. Who wants to collect this as a dust collector, not a thing. Just keep it dust collectors!

I and a couple of friends bought the “0€-Schein” with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill on it at MDM, packed in a glass frame and gave away. Is a funny gimmick… But at least I know I have money for nothing have been output! 😜

1 year ago

You don’t mind, look at my comments. She wants to be right. I even list her the laws and she thinks she’s right and she’s freak.

1 year ago

Is it smart to spend thousands of euros on comics, records or stamps?

If you invest well and know yourself, with absolute certainty.


By the way. I can’t do it if you don’t know certain proverbs. 🤷🏻

1 year ago

Now stop calling such arrogant people as “dumm” who have fun collecting gilded coins.

Is it smart to spend thousands of euros on comics, records or stamps?

1 year ago

Why not?! Is there people who buy it at MDM or Reppa?

What’s the name of it?


1 year ago

“Nennwert” = “not profitable”.

On Ebay, things get 6 to 10 euros. 🤷

1 year ago

Not if it’s something worthless. For one, because you like it, something like that might be okay. But certainly not to want to sell it profitably! 😜😉

1 year ago

Almost nothing. A euro coin with evaporated gold.

1 year ago

2-Euro-Kursmünze Croatia 2023 24-Carat-Goldened | MDM

Value Purchase price

but only for collectors of such changed coins ….

1 year ago

And whoever collects mutantly manipulated coins.

1 year ago
Reply to  JayCeD

Many do. (I, for example) For this purpose they are “manipulated”.

1 year ago

Can you, 🤷 ♀️

1 year ago

Yes you can put them down and look forward to the beautiful golden color. That’s what it was. For the purpose, I’d rather get an official special stamp from the Bundesbank. A 5€ special coin with beautiful motif makes at least as much. It would even have a small chance for an increase in value.

1 year ago

This only works as stupid catches if you believe that all would collect such coins because of the increase in value. It’s not like that.

1 year ago

These subsequent changes are pure stupid. They could drill a hole just as well and then sell it as an exclusive special edition with hole. The value does not increase as much.

1 year ago

Due to the fact that it was gilded, it has become worthless, even for serious collectors.

Actually, you need to be happy if you get them swapped at the bank for an undamaged coin.