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2 Cent Österreich?
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(a) The old GDR coins are worth nix. No collector or nominal value.
(b) The DM and Pfennig coins have only nominal value which arises during exchange with the Bundesbank.
(c) The individual euro coins have only their nominal value.
(d) The 10 euro coins from 2011 will hardly bring more than the nominal value if they have already been touched, as the photo suggests. This is true for the copper-nickel coins. The silver coins may bring even 1-2 euros more.
(e) The 10 euro coins up to and including 2010, bring at least the material of about 13 euros. Depending on the condition, a little more, up to 18 euros maximum.
Hello, I still have many old GDR coins, very well preserved and also five misprints. I see it differently and have just researched:
Old GDR coins
Rare GDR coins that today have a high value
Some GDR coins are still worth a lot today.© Adobe Stock/ 104485894
The most important thing
The Euros are probably not treasures. Grace Kelly would recognize you. The commemorative coins are at least worth the issue price. Currently, you can expect roughly n euro per gram of silver. Then it is worth looking at the number. There are still collectors, but there will be less. Finding one that’s missing your coin would be the job now. As a convulsion to a coin dealer, it’s almost worth nix, just what’s on it.
Oh, yes, please don’t look at ebay. There are only unplanned people. For example, MA Shops would be a serious one, so you can see what a dealer wants. The preservation is of course important. Caputted coins are only worth the material or can be exchanged with the bank.
Maximum silver value
The Heist?
weigh and calculate the silver value
Minimum would be right.