Wie viel ist angemessen?

Unser Sohn (22) ausgelernt, verdient nun 1400 Euro netto.Das Kindergeld fällt nun weg.Wir haben ein Haus.Sind also 3 Verdiener. Er macht nicht sonderlich viel im Haushalt. ( Jungs halt 🤔)Kommt nach Hause ,isst und sitzt bis nachts am PC.

Sind 400 Euro Beteiligung am Hausstand zuviel verlangt?

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1 year ago

I find 400€ rather little.

For this money, he would just find a WG room including ancillary costs. For food and everything else, you could make another 300-400€.

1 year ago

No, it’s not appropriate, it’s too little.

“Jungsstopp” – You have educated your 22-year-old son to the total parasite who lives for not more than 400€ in full board, rent additional costs laundry service of complete kitchen service.

As a 22-year-old adult, he should be able to see that he is well served at 800€ – or he rents his own apartment and notes what life as an adult actually costs and that does not wash himself, eat not cook, dishes do not wash themselves and the refrigerator does not fill himself

If you have something about your son who has already grown up for 4 years, reduce the all-round service ever further towards 0 so that he has the chance to become independent according to his age

1 year ago

He should definitely give you money and help you in the household that one has nothing to do with the other.

I’ve been paying my mother since I’ve been 17 rent of 400€ and help in the household.

You shouldn’t pamper him, especially not with things like household or rent, because something like that will happen to him in the future.

1 year ago

You’re an integre mama who’s been using the mouthful guy. Who of the answerers has children in the old one himself, and why he does not come to you out of free pieces, and says “I live here, and see that you do and do for me, don’t take that for granted. What can I do to grab you under the poor, etc”

Whoever washes, wipes through, drives shopping, makes day-to-day work done, and so far everything is not even in hand.
I don’t know, but we’ve all helped with six years, my mom turned the mucke and then it was called basic cleaning, starting up to under the closets. On Sundays we were bringing freshly cooked coffee and mares to bed with quark and strawberry jam. I was 6, coffee was made with a cup of hot water and nem funnel with loose filter bag. We had fun to do this at all and proudly

But I swoop, in short, you know best how it looks at you, which buttons you have to press so that it does not end in murder and death (surprised) etc.

Sorry I should have leaned too far out of the window

1 year ago

Speaking question. You don’t want to take him too much. A lot of adult child is removed from parental love. In line with the actual costs, it could also be 800€ or 900€. You should also ask yourself in what ratio the 1400€ to your income is, how much use you want to give him and how responsible he is with money. If he deals with it in charge, it is acceptable if he forms first reserves for the establishment of his own family, if not, it makes sense that you make him aware of a higher amount of how expensive life really is.

1 year ago

Guys stop

Seriously? The “Junge” is 22 and now really old enough to participate in the household. To be honest, he would have been 15 years old enough to involve him in daily housework.

400€ are not too much required for accommodation and full board. Can tell him what it’s worth to rent his own apartment and pay a cleaning lady.

1 year ago

Take him into duty. Give him a certain time and then he has to go out. Until then, I find 400 euros completely fine and also he has to help in the household. That’s my 8 years old.

And please don’t explain it with “Jungsstopp”. Boys are educated and not born lazy and can throw the household just as well as any woman.

1 year ago

I find 400 euros fair, but he should be involved in the budget.

1 year ago

400.-€ are reasonable I would even go to €500. If he doesn’t want to pay, I’d offer him to look for his own apartment.

1 year ago

Definitely appropriate, it should be involved in the budget.

1 year ago

I think the 400 Euro reasonable and reasonable are for accommodation electricity and eat

1 year ago

I find 400 euros completely legitimate.

1 year ago

I’m fine. He would have more expenses if he lived alone.

1 year ago

It’s okay. What’s not okay is “Jungsstopp”. 2024!

1 year ago
Reply to  LeckermaulVK

So do I. A man can help in the household. Even when he goes to work.

1 year ago
Reply to  Apokalypse143

Best example: My mother’s still cleaning up with my brother today and doing his laundry. He doesn’t even have a washing machine! My brother is 57 and the mother soon 83 😈 Good that I am a girl 😉 😁

1 year ago
Reply to  LeckermaulVK

That’s right. I know “women” who still hang with 30 on Mama’s apron….I’m with 21 off and was self-employed.

In addition, women always sit in the made nest…typical

1 year ago
Reply to  Rotgesicht90

You feel better 😁 Do not have a hairdresser 😁

1 year ago
Reply to  LeckermaulVK

Boys are just boys. Whether 84 24 or 38. I think this is in our genes xD

1 year ago

Oh! I cannot suffer such a behavior or such an attitude at all. If a man thinks he doesn’t have to pack up. A woman is not a man’s cleaning woman.

1 year ago

If he doesn’t buy himself, I’ll find it okay.

1 year ago

Keep pampering him even more…

1 year ago

What are reasonable rental prices for you? One third of the additional costs + 200 € for food.

Wash the laundry and his room dust sucking can he himself

1 year ago
Reply to  Kikyly

Make a clean bill with a low rental price. So maybe 8 € per square meter for his room

1 year ago

my siblings (23, 20) and I (17) live all three still at home, earn our own money and never have our parents demanded money from us…

if we give our parents money, then voluntary

1 year ago

Yes, the Germans love their car more aks their children….

1 year ago
Reply to  Rotgesicht90

I wouldn’t say. Educational technology can be seen a lot in Germany, they have better. (Find me)

1 year ago

is okay, your own apartment is much more expensive