Wie viel in netto?
Hey arbeite bei McDonalds bin 17 und bekomme 12,81 die Stunde (eigentlich 12.41 aber es kommen 40 cent dazu wegen wäschgeld und so) und arbeite 80 Stunden im Monat. Das sind 1024,8 Euro. Wie viel ist das in netto.
Ps: lebe in Bayern und bin gesetzlich versichert ohne Kirchensteuer.
(Sry für die dumme Antwort war voll durch den Wind und musste schnell eine Frage schreiben bevor mein Akku aus geht und dann habe ich das geschrieben obwohl das nicht mal meine Frage war…)
You mean 80 hours a month? This is far above the statutory maximum per week. Even for adults, according to the Youth Employment Act, a maximum of 40 hours per week would be possible.
The number of hours, like many, to multiply with the hourly wage, but you should probably get there
Addendum: Since you are asking after the net amount:
Take the gross amount per month and enter in one of the many gross net calculators available on the Internet. Add data to your age, children, health insurance and place of residence. In addition, click to take into account the sliding zone/transition zone (sometimes something is hidden)
There are a number of pages in the net that you calculate exactly that.
Search for content calculator
what exactly happens depends on some factors we do not know here
80 hours a week is not compatible with the legally permitted working hours.
But be it:
12,80 € * 16 hours a day (at 5 days a week) * 21 working days a month (at 5 days a week) = 4,300,80 € gross.
Easily calculate, also works with the phone (if a computer is installed)
but the 80h week is questionable
He does not work in the week 80h a month
Use best gross net calculator
What many people say is not quite true.
A working time of 80 hours is permissible in certain industries JEDOCH under the condition that the worker agrees AND within 90 days a corresponding free time is compensated.
I don’t know if this is true for MC Donalds
This is even at a 7-day week above the permitted hours.
Help the neighbor out or go clean or babysit. You deserve more money and that’s completely uncomplicated. ; Otherwise, do the school or training and wait for occasions like Christmas, birthday etc. where you get from relatives money. With 17 you still enjoy a certain “children’s bonus” and the people are more donable as a rule.
You don’t know me I live in a family where I don’t get anything and I have to work myself I’m finished with school and just work to earn money until September and then I’m doing my training where I’m currently applying.
This is primarily a lie, as an 80-hour week would violate the law.
Who knows if McDonalds is holding on.
Maybe they’ll force their MA for more hours, but I don’t even trust McDoof.
80 hours a week is not possible. A full-time power has an hour week of so approx. 40-45 hours
There’s 80 hours in MONAT
So, what was before was a week and no other information
Easy to calculate.
https://www.content.de/income/brutto-net calculator
17 x 12.81 € x IQ in percent …
Seriously? Multiplication. ….
and with 17 you don’t work 80h
Not even a full-year person.
Instructs against the ArbZeitG and ArbSchG And in your case even against the JArbSchG
You can’t work for 80 hours a week.
And the minimum wage is 12.41 so you are well served.
80 hours a week – are around 340 hours a month.
no one believes
and what corresponds to the fact that can calculate itself,
there are beautiful gross net calculators
Did you have multiplication at school?
Badaba ba baa “We love it”
I’m still generation: “It’s just good at McDonald’s…” 🙂
There weren’t even euro yet.
At that time the Cheeseburger still gave for 1€ … that was also just good