Wie viel habt ihr für den Führerschein (Auto) bezahlt?
Hi, ich habe einfach 3600€ bezahlt (wohne in einer Großstadt in Bayern und habe beide Prüfungen beim ersten Mal bestanden) und wollte mal wissen wie viel hier so andere zahlen? Und kostet(e) eine Fahrstunde bei euch?
have passed today, and the costly together.
I came to almost 3400 euro.
1800 DM, i.e. 900 Euro, is also here for 28 years.
My supplement B196 has already cost 600 euros
Nothing, class BCE as a conscript at the Bw.
Youngest daughter paid 2900€ last year
About DM 500 in 1978.
~1200 DM, that was 1990.
~60 GDR Mark, for the motorcycle license that was 1984.
3,600 for an Azubi who doesn’t live at home much money. I’ve got the gift to deal with money, so everyone who wants a driving license can do it.
The money is well invested
DM 1800, 1993
I’ve paid about €1,500, but it’s been years since. In the meantime, you pay about twice.
About 1,100€
1976 just 450 DM horn or 😋😜
1,750,- DM