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Würdet ihr diesen Burger essen?
To 500g minced meat I make 250g dried noodles. That’s enough for two portions. There’s also sauce and cheese.
Depends on what there is… usually make a calorie sauce
But I always do 500 grams and according to which it is enough for 2-3 portions
But also very irregular and sometimes only 1x on the day ….
for a main dish without starter and dessert: 100 gr. But I don’t care, I can appreciate it,
I have an extra bowl with which I measure it, but I guess about 150g per person.
For 2-3 proper intentions 500g.
100g usually for one serving..
A pack, that’s 500g. We are three people and this gives enough portions for two meals. With supplement.
I always cook the whole package and then have noodles for several days. in gluten-free, it is completely different how much you need for a portion.
I don’t think of the noodles I cook before.
approx. 100g
112.5 gr
500 gr
For 1 serving?
No. Is that somewhere?
General question -> General answer
It doesn’t have to, because this information without the personal details does not really bring much.