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Depends on which interest rate and with which repayment (reduction etc.)
Ggf you will find a credit calculator that calculates how much interest you pay. Of course, this is not the profit of the bank, there are also costs and you will never know them.
Yes about 500,000 interest rates 5% and 25 the duration?
Try the computer. As stated, only paid interest, not resulting profit.
Then left again
Not really
You know what I mean
Do you think in 5-10 years? Why?
If you’re in the Plus at 5 – 10, the bill is just wrong.
But no problem if you don’t care if the data is right, you just find something worth it. Wronger than wrong isn’t going.
Interest is nothing but money and if you get money then you have to calculate it so that you’re in plus at the end. The higher the interest rate the more income
A bank has costs.
If you get 5 Euro interest and pay your employee 10 Euro, you are not in the plus.
You’re in plus if you have to get 15 euros and pay 10. Then you are 5 euros in plus, not 15.
In itself, interest is always profit because you are at the end of the plus
Not until you get off the bank’s costs.
Yes and aren’t the interest?,many%20%C3%9Cberschuss%20es%20stargets%20s.
profit, earnings I thought
I thought I had revenue.
What are interest by definition then?
No profit is by cost. The bank staff don’t work for free. Building, electricity, pay,…
Interest rate profit
Depends on many criteria.
And if the borrower does not manage to pay off his debt, it will be a minus business for the bank.
Not to be answered without interest rate and redemption.
Interest – Bank costs