Wie viel Geld um GUT zu leben?

Ich wohn in Stuttgart, studiere Elektro-masch. Ing-wesen und immer mehr stell ich mir die Frage:

Wie viel Geld braucht man wirklich um heutzutage GUT leben zu können als 4köpfige Familie?

Gut leben bedeutet für mich :

  • Haus kaufen
  • 2-3x im Jahr in Urlaub
  • Gute Ernährung leisten können: Fisch, Lachs, Nüsse, Erbeeren etc. also ohne Einschränkung die gesunden Lebensmittel kaufen können! ( ist heutzutage leider nicht mehr selbstverständlich)
  • Ausgeglichene Freizeit : Beide Partner im Gym angemeldet, Wellness, Kinder beim Turnen, Instrument spielen, gemeinsame Kino Ausflüge, Zoo, 1x pro Woche Restaurant Besuch mit Familie
  • ach ja und selbstverständlich 2 Autos, da reichen 2 polos oder Golfs
  • Zurücklegen für die RENTE. IN Deutschland sammelt fast jeder Rentner Pfandflaschen und ist am hungern. So möchte ich nicht enden😭

kann da jemand einen Betrag überschlagen ?
wenn ich mir die Liste angucke wird mir schlecht. Denn das benötigt weit aus mehr Geld als man überhaupt verdienen kann.

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8 months ago

The lifestyle corresponds to the upper middle class. Most of them don’t even reach that when both partners work full.

But if you both have an above-average income, it is possible. The biggest item is the rate for the house. Since prices vary widely, it depends on the residential area.

In Mecklenburg, you could meet your wishes net at €7,000, in Munich, Hamburg or Stuttgart you will surely need more.

It’s best to screw your wishes down a bit, because 3 times drive on holiday and a few more trips are hardly in there with children and maybe a condominium is enough. It’s also questionable if you still have time for the Fittness Studio.

8 months ago

if I look at the list, I’m getting bad

Me too, because that has nothing to do with “life well” for me, but what you describe is rather a life in luxury, which can perhaps afford the top 20%, if at all.

All right, let’s go. House for sale: 14000€ a year (if you can also pay it off in more time). 2-3 holiday per year (4 people, probably not the cheapest): 9000€. Good nutrition: 12000€. Leisure time: 9000€. Cars: 3000€

I only come to about 50000€ for your luxury wishes. All other normal budget expenditure has not yet been included. With normal budget expenditure such as insurance, heating costs, electricity costs, purchases, etc. (Let’s say 2000€ a month for 4 people), we are at €75000 (net) a year.

That would be about €130,000 per year. An academic earns in this country in the median just ca. $50,000.

Therefore: It is not impossible for both parents to earn very well. But I would advise you to reduce your demands to a realistic level. What you’re describing has nothing to do with “life well”, but that’s a luxury life.

Good life means having a roof over your head and having enough food every day. Do not build a home, 2-3 a year to go on holiday and make all kinds of Gedöns by.

8 months ago
Reply to  MertIs

Well, it’s not that big luxury. This is a completely normal lifestyle in academic circles. So with 100-130k you are definitely there as long as the house is not supposed to be in Munich or Hamburg.

Good life means having a roof over your head and having enough food every day.

If you take the reference sub-Saharan perhaps, but for Germany, even in the definition of existence minimum is already included.

8 months ago

“In Germany, almost every pensioner collects pawn bottles and is starving” – gaaaanz steep thesis! Most pensioners in Germany are good to very good.

And for your wishes, there are 2 average salaries, only when buying home it may be difficult without sufficient equity. If children are there, you will have to put quite different priorities and limit yourself somewhere.

8 months ago

If you get two pension points a year, you can live well and get a pension that you don’t have to collect bottles.

You can recruit yourself.

8 months ago

8000 net should be already.

8 months ago


8 months ago
Reply to  Jsjjwqkkwked

yes, I don’t know the prices

That’s a shame

I secured 0.99% interest on 20 years in 2019.

Is then a little less what you have to pay