Wie viel Geld muss man verdienen in Deutschland wegen der Inflation?
yo gutefrage forum check mal was läuft gerade in deutschland wegen der inflation man muss schon richtig viel cash am start haben um nicht abzusaufen digga wie viel muss man verdienen um hier noch klarzukommen
No, you don’t need much cash, enough book money on the account is completely sufficient. You can easily convert this into cash if necessary.
The inflation rate is 3.4% in January 2024 and this is only half 2022. So don’t worry, the inflation rate isn’t so crucial. Whether you have enough money depends to a much higher degree on your needs and lifestyle than on inflation.
For this reason, it takes a good training first.
Inflation has declined sharply in recent months and many prices incl. Electricity is now at the level before the Ukraine war.
Digga, that’s not going to be enough for you.
Every digga should earn such digges money so he can live digge of it.