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1 year ago

I’d say 500 euros instinctively. But if it has to be 250 euros, as you are, it wouldn’t be a leg break.

5 euros would be two percent; in the case of an average development of 6% p.a., this would be recovered within 4 months. If you are a long-term investor, absolutely negligible. And with temporarily extremely favorable shares it may be better to act quickly and pay proportionally more order fees than to wait and miss the favorable entry.

1 year ago

I personally hold the fees preferably below one percent, so at a fee of 5 euros, at least 500 euros order size. It should not be forgotten that the fee will be charged again on a sale.

If the share is held for five years, the annual return in this scenario is reduced by 0.4 percentage points. This can be accepted (or not) – some ETFs have comparable costs.

1 year ago

500 euros has always been the minimum with which I entered individual shares.

You have to be careful with small positions in the portfolio that you do not deal too much with them, otherwise the spears eat the profit or lead to loss.

If I’m really convinced of a share, I don’t get under 3,000 euros.

In the case of cryptocurrencies, I have, among other things, massively overlooked the trading fees and so my 3,000 Euro investment at Bitpanda has meanwhile become a sad three-digit amount.

1 year ago

I’ll say $500. 1% fees are my limits. It would be better to look for a new broker to me with a maximum fee of €1. The 5€ slept with time and are only to be accepted when it comes to gigantic order.

1 year ago


since the order fee is only required once the order is executed, the question is only important for Daytraders.
Whoever invests in the long term and does not often reorganise it doesn’t matter.

Think about yourself:

at 1000€ the 5€ are just 0.5%. If the bet is increased by 10% (100€) the 5€ really doesn’t matter.

Best regards from Leipzig

1 year ago
Reply to  Junge14853

Well, you say it yourself – then 5% will have to rise first to get to about 0, because the 5€ will be on sale again.

Just use a free service!
Although I trade daily and would pay only 1€ for an order with 300€, from 500€ nothing.
Since you already have an account, you could use it like this

However, there are other brokers with 0€ order but from what amount you need to check for yourself.

1 year ago

Approx 500€ for transaction costs at 5€

1 year ago

At least 2000/trade, better more.

1 year ago

from 10,000 €