Wie viel Geld kann ich pro Foto nehmen?
Hey, ich bin 17 Jahre alt und mache seit 6 Jahren leidenschaftlich Bilder mit meiner ersten professionellen Kamera vor 2 Jahren.
Jetzt fragen mich einige Leute immer mal wieder was die Bilder von mir kosten würden… bis jetzt habe ich immer nur welche kostenlos für Freunde gemacht. Wie viel kann ich pro Bild nehmen? Oder pro Stunde
mein setup kostet schon seine 4-5k
ich will die Leute nicht abschrecken und so deshalb wäre sehr cool wenn mir da jemand helfen könnte
hier ein paar Beispiele von mir
I’m telling you honestly (have studied) you’re a classic case of “I got coal for camera and expensive motives but can’t handle it well” – your photos are neither good, nor bad, but just ok. Only a few of them are good. It’s the photo motif that makes it cool. I wouldn’t ask too much for that. Depending on how long it took to shoot photos. 2-5€ maximum I would say. So to use it for the license.
If you try really rough photos then you will get 10-20€, but you will need some more practice.
May I ask what you found well? So what motive they had so that I can deal more with them
The image of the key is good, for example, as you play with the focus.
The pictures where the motorcycle is on it as a whole, because you often do not choose a good picture detail.
Many of the photos where people are on it are good, your girlfriend or who this is the mega hot is xD is naturally doing well on photos, ABER sometimes it looks too amateurish, so where she modeled it is good, but where she nix does it looks like a snapshot.
The image with the orange vest is from the focus and also from the color extremely good – but it also looks a bit like a snapshot again.
First, I advise you to get more dynamics into your pictures (it is also a dynamic theme) – just as with the bike in the curve that is nice – nichf static – and secondly, to choose better picture detail and focus.
Also pay attention to straight lines as with the City Skyline.
And in general, as a photographer, you need a lot more variety on the subject. Always keep the best photos and not all, then you get a good collection.
Lg :
Always, always 😉 <3 you asked so nicely, then I liked to help. you have proven to be criminal and this is the reward ^^
Thanks 🤩 constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement and yes I also make a lot of run and gun just becauses fun. I had already given up hope in the platform but among the lazy apples there are n few good
You can’t see your pictures now, perhaps because of the bad response you’ve already got here.
That’s why I can’t say anything. But from the previous answers, you can do a little bit of a distraction.
Otherwise, if you want to take money for it then you have to make yourself self-employed and then of course you will also substantiate all the rains and duties that come with it. First rule would be that you should be at least 18 years old or first need a special permit from the family court to make yourself independent. Otherwise you would have to wait
Then you would have to pay taxes as an independent person. give a tax return, including your bookkeeping, which you also have to make and a balance sheet or Revenue/surplus invoice from which your profit is generated at the end of the year. If you don’t know about Buchleitug and tax returns, you’ll have to hire a tax adviser to do that for you, which you have to pay for.
In addition, you have to be more independent and economically successful, which means you have to make profits, so you have more revenue than expenses. So if you say that you have an expensive equipment (where 4-5 thousand euros is not exactly much for a photo equipment that is supposed to be used professionally), then you would have to earn as much money as you have put in it and will spend in the future. Otherwise, the tax office comes and says that the “love” is, so that you basically want to finance your hobby with your selfishness and you get one on the lid of those…
a proper answer, thank you. Yes these problems are aware of me, but I don’t just want to do it for free, this is a hobby where I want to make a shooting occasionally, but my career goes other ways than photography. The photos are no longer available because these and their “illegal” content have been received instead of my question being answered seriously.
after some thought that this is her high etc. I know that the industry and its participants are largely very toxic.
thank you for your answer
Yes, this platform is actually very toxic. It’s just that.
Welcome to Germany, the country of limited possibilities.
For 0€ some with your pictures can start what
Who should buy this? Be the first to think about it, I’ve looked at your pictures for a short time, and I don’t know who could need it. But you can try to sell them on flea markets.
If you know who you want to photograph, contact the companies.
Wedding Photography is also an area where Hablprofis find a niche, prices here
People come to me and ask me
ask them what it would be worth – supply and demand
However, as soon as they have to spend 120 euros for a shooting, this looks different.
Nothing without business
My tips would be to deal with the rules of image design.
That’s exactly what I can take…
and after mocking my photos, do you have tips on how to get better? Or crawl to make
Did you sign up for a business?
Otherwise exactly 0 euros.
that makes the black as well as the illegal race on the pictures
But as I do it commercially and I will not give it any answer to it 😀
How am I supposed to register with 17? Until I am 18, 200 have not even been looked at
Still going.
Especially since your photos to make money are not good enough. To offer the services professionally, you need some practice and experience. And then 18 can offer you commercial.
By the way, I would be more careful with my personal data, Ben L.
Hahaha #rache
Cut off limbs
various signs in the background
a few interesting ideas
in large and whole beginners status
you can’t make money