Wie viel Geld hattet ihr mit 17?
Ich habe insgesamt über 93K.
Ich habe insgesamt über 93K.
Hallo, ich möchte mit trading anfangen und wollte fragen ob diese seite sicher ist? usdtzop.com Kann mir jemand sagen ob die scam ist oder nicht
Können Leute die ich folge meine Erneut Veröffentlichungen sehen? Also wenn jemand mir folgt und ich den nd sehen die trzd?
Hey, kann ich eine gekaufte Prepaid Kreditkarte von Tankstelle dierekt benutzen ? Liebe Grüße
Hallo, mein tiktok konto mit 100k abos wurde endgültig gesperrt. Ich habe tiktok schon bereits angeschrieben, jedoch wurde mein widerspruch nicht angenommen. gibt es irgendwelche leute die da was machen können? würde auch dafür bezahlen.
Also folgendes: es wurden Beiträge gemeldet und ich solle die entfernen oder bearbeiten. Jetzt ist das so ich war Co Autor von Beiträgen und habe auf nicht mehr Teilen gedrückt. Jetzt sind diese Beiträge aber imernoch als Strafe in meinem Konto drin. Ich habe ja diese Beiträge überprüfen lassen und die wurden ja wieder frei…
This is not so bad when you have saved your pocket money for the last 17 years.
Personally, I was with 21 seats. I then had my first million € at 40.
When do I count among the richest 10% of the total population in Germany:
· from a net budget of EUR 477,200 to this group.
· Under 30-year-olds you have already arrived at the top group with some 70,000 euros.
· The 30-34-year-olds already require 200,000 euros and the 35- to 39-year-olds need more than 300,000 euros to leave 90 percent of the peers behind.
In addition, I find:
· with 16 you should only have your pocket money
· with 18 you should have the money for the driving licence
· with 25 you should have your first 10,000€ to 15,000€
· with 30 perhaps already his 40.000€ to 50,000€
· with 40 you should already have your €150,000 to pay a property
· with 60 the property should be paid off
· with 67 you should retire with an additional €150,000.
This is quite conservative and many will even be clearly above that if one is successful in the profession.
The goals can be achieved much faster than alone.
I already had my first million euros of fortune and a paid house at 40. .
How to achieve that?
Just by working make career and save……
Or by happy heirs!
In China again a sack of rice should be tipped….
Oke and jz?
You’ve got as much as you don’t care
With 17 probably under €1,000.
I will probably have reached your current fortune by mid-20 – at least as long as no financial crisis comes and the stock exchange crashes 80% 😀
Good morning.
About the same… but it doesn’t matter… why?
What did you ask to put this question?
Seeing the sum you got?
Absolutely ridiculous.
LunaticTiger // Justin
Who should you believe that? I mean everything nice and good but what makes so flex??
joa so stable 40 eur I had already
Please give me something if you’re already on a good question about flexing xD
I don’t know anymore, at least less than now
With 17? o_O Boah, that’s a long time ago with me!
But I already had two companies and already 2-3 million in the account.
I even had EUR 100. More than 93 crowns.
What do you think of Richkids make them cool?
Yeah, boyo.
Do you want to brag around here?