Wie viel Geld habt ihr auf dem Giro?
Und für was nutzt ihr es?
Und für was nutzt ihr es?
Also das Problem ist folgendes ich kann mein paypal account nicht mit meinen KOnto von der Sparkasse verknüfen weil der bestätiguingscode den man für die verknüpfung brauch einfach nichjt an mein Konto gesendet wird.Ich habe leider bei der erstellung meines Kontos das falsche Geburtsdatum eingegeben sodass ich bei meinen Sparkassen Konto noch nicht 18 jahre…
Warum kann ich keinen Kanal machen? 🙁
Hallo Guten Abend Ich Möchte Euch Fragen, Darf Einfach Eine Bank Wie Zum Beispiel Die Deutsche Bank Mein Konto Kündigen?. Wenn Kein Zahlungseingang Kommt Aufs Konto?. Ich Zahle Mein Geld Über Denn Geldautomaten Ein Ist Doch Auch Wie Ein Zahlungseingang Oder
In the current account always a few thousand €. That’s enough.
We have almost $100,000 in the daily money account because we rent apartments and there can be something broken at any time. Two months ago the heating broke and we needed 8,000€ very quickly.
In addition, we want to remain liquid if we still buy an apartment. You need 20% of your equity, too, and if that’s fixed, it wouldn’t be so great.
For my first property I also have the money liquid, but only on Giro. It’s not worth the effort for day money.
That’s stupid. In the current account you get zero interest rates and the daily money is 3%. You have access to the current account as well as daily money. At €100,000, there are €3,000 before tax interest without risk. You can go on holiday for that.
Where I think this lucky line for this duration is utopian.
If he had reached 28 months at the latest. I used my unused school knowledge and, with interest rate interest and 80,000 Framdcapital at 10% return per month, determined the duration.
Maybe we’ll see them in 10 years.
I want to see the question where he asks what he should do with his first million.
Wouldn’t be bad if he’d give up now! 😄
Don’t worry, he’ll be back!
😲 He’s so entertaining, please don’t permanently lock…
Now he’s locked up again and that’s lasting after he insulted me 2 times, although he always claims he’s insulted only when he’s insulted…. He’s got it now. Greeting!
I’d think if almost the whole world is against me. Your opponents can be counted on a hand here. But your critics are massive….
Why don’t I know? What are you doing? Criticism is not 😂 these are insults. I don’t care anyway. I don’t give any value to the opinion of others about me. Not like you.
Yeah, it’s sausage, there’s plenty of other prop companies.
Hopefully, my pride will allow it if necessary.
When I was hired, it wouldn’t have disturbed me a bit. The main thing is an end of the dirt. But by now, I wouldn’t like to die. Too much to lose.
If you’ll remember… it just needs to test it thoroughly and represent your opinion and view. …you don’t even see how much criticism you get.
Play God 😂
What changes outside?
At least in the nursery he can play God. But when he comes out, it changes dramatically.
Of course. Theoretically…
He is self-employed and not dependent. Don’t you understand? He can do what he wants…..so I understand.
What if? Are you insulting with the risk of termination of the business relationship?
But you’ll let some people out there at least take care of it, otherwise the end of terrain. Well, that doesn’t bother you.
Why should I? I’m not insulted by them. I come to everyone as he comes to me – quite simply.
As I said, I’m with everyone as he is with me. If I’m out of an ankle, I wouldn’t be afraid of that.
As I said, I give myself as I want. I have this freedom.
It’s good. But if a humiliation becomes dependent on an employee.
Oh, right. When he comes to the specialist, “you can’t get me, you poor employee.”
He’ll see if he’ll ask the bank for a loan.
Again, it was about that you have titled investment with risk(what each company’s structure) as meaningless. You do not understand the meaning of “why so”.
An example of your tempering problem: communicate with your investors as you communicate with us here. Then it’s fast with Money.
Or out if you meet someone unknown. There may also be subjects that become easy to handle.
Example? I’m not hired, I can give myself as I want. For me this has no consequences, the main reason why I am self-employed. I’m FREI and no one can get me something:D
You have a lot to learn now, you can’t stand apart mute and reckless.
And again you go to the personal rail. From misunderstandings, a lack of education will be reduced. D
You need to work on your temper. Otherwise, you’ll tick for a lifetime, and at some point the more serious consequences.
🤦🏽 ♂️ You really don’t check anything.
If you have the possibility between lightness or security, you should take security. If you have courage or security, you should take courage.
You have to learn some more….
Any self-sufficiency away from your own concept would therefore be reckless because you have to risk your own money.
It’s me complete snoop whether you believe me or not 😂
You have to decide between courage and recklessness.
Is it brave or reckless to risk your own money without earning more than risking foreign money? Save yourself..
Don’t you complain all the time that people just want to make sure and not take a risk? You’ve finally lost credibility.
Do you even know what scaling means?
I deal with foreign capital and came to realize that it is better. I just don’t risk my money like that anymore.
And then why don’t you put the money on the stock exchange? Then you would soon have the money for even a bigger property. Scaling etc. white.
Again right! It is more because it is an offer of the bank.
Who doesn’t honor the penny is not worth the DM. They taught me and I’m counting on it today!
My God. I have the 3% on the stock exchange in 1-2 weeks. I don’t care. After costs for such an account and time, it is not worth it.
At the moment, the huge sum of exactly 0.14Cent😄I would have to get a pension, but I don’t see it since February anymore because my bank simply takes it.
Well, it is currently being lived by snoring, collecting bottles and gradually helping the family.
But under normal circumstances, at the beginning of the month, there would be about €500 on it which would then be paid for life and invoices during the month. It’s not enough to save.
It was worth paying into the Gaunerkasse… fortunately I don’t pay anything.
This has nothing to do with the Gaunerkasse. The bank would also retain other assets, as some guilt must be paid.
Yes, here:
That would be normal. Gaunerkasse.
Currently around 1800€.
For everyday life.
rd 5,000-10,000, I need for daily life and my travels,
Money from my job
for shopping, to get cash, to transfer, to deposit, to spend
I’m probably the only one who saves on the Giro 😀
if 😀 is = stupid, I would agree.
I have heard rumours that one receives < 1% interest on the current account, but in a daily money account the 4% p.a.
No, more stubborn.
I heard about 3%. The trouble is just not worth it.